Corning® Elplasia® Plates
By Corning®
Use Corning® Elplasia® plates to generate, culture, and analyze your spheroids all in a standard plate footprint. Elplasia® plates are available in multiple formats, two well geometry types, and two surface coatings, and enable researchers to generate a high density of spheroids in a scaffold-free model. Plates are Gmma irradiated and have a one-year shelf life.
Elplasia® round bottom plates are optimal for bulk spheroid formation, assay, expansion, and collection. Round bottom plates are available in 6-, 24-, and 96-well formats and feature Corning Ultra Low Attachment (ULA) surface, a proprietary, animal-free, covalently bonded hydrogel surface that is hydrophilic and neutrally charged. The ULA surface promotes the formation and easy harvesting of anchorage-dependent scaffoldfree spheroids.
Elplasia® square bottom plates feature a surface with optical qualities suited for image analysis, making them an ideal solution for clonal selection and high magnification imaging of very small clusters. Square bottom plates are plasma-treated for self-coating and are available in 6-, 24-, 96-, and 384-well formats.
Corning® Elplasia® plates are compatible with many cell types and may be used across many applications including:
- Drug screening/High throughput screening
- Cancer/Tumor biology
- Stem cell biology
- Cell therapy research
- 3D tissue engineering
- Create uniform spheroid formation at large volumes with a simple and easy to use "plug and play" protocol
- No rinsing required prior to seeding
- Generate and culture spheroids in one plate – for up to 21 or more days
- Highly reproducible bulk spheroid formation across microcavity wells – from 79 to 15,000+ spheroids per well
- Culture a high density of spheroids in one plate under one culture condition
- Increased signal per well without an increase in spheroid size
- High density format also generates increased data points, enabling image analysis of multiple spheroids vs. one spheroid per well
- Suitable for fluorescent/luminescent assays
- The square well plates are ideal for clonal selection and high magnification imaging of very small clusters