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Thermo Scientific™ Megafuge™ ST4F Plus Centrifuge Series

By Thermo
Thermo Scientific™ Megafuge™ ST4F Plus Centrifuge Series

Ergonomic design, standard high contrast user interface for up to 6 saved programs with simple push-button operation for routine applications. With capacity up to 4L, including 196 x 5/7mL blood tubes and 40 x 50mL conical tubes, AutoLock for fast rotor exchange and 11 available rotors to choose from. Floor standing unit save bench space.

  • Secure locking system allows easy push-button installation and exchange of rotors
  • System saves time when switching between applications
  • Easy access to rotor chamber offers quick cleaning, a healthier working environment and longer unit life
Cat.No. Name Voltage Tube Size Speed (rpm) Size EA    
50-75009946 Megafuge™ ST4F Plus Refrigerated Centrifuge 120V 4 x 1000 mL with TX-1000 rotor 15,200 rpm 32.8 x 22.3 x 27.2" $19261.00
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50-75009960 Megafuge™ ST4F Plus Centrifuge 120V 4 x 1000 mL with TX-1000 rotor 15,200 rpm 32.8 x 22.3 x 27.2" $16068.00
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