Nunc™ Immuno™ MicroWell™ 96-Well Plates
By NuncIntended for quantitative and qualitative solid phase immuno assays (e.g. ELISA) and binding assays. Polystyrene plates without lids available with a choice of flat, conical, and round bottoms and the following surfaces:
- PolySorp™, with high affinity to molecules of a hydrophobic nature
- MediSorp™, has a surface chemistry intermediate between PolySorp™ and MaxiSorp™. Provides low background signal with samples containing serum
- MaxiSorp™, with high affinity to molecules with mixed hydrophilic/hydrophobic domains
- MultiSorp™, with high affinity to hydrophilic molecules
External dimensions 128 x 86 mm. Raised rims on the wells and alphanumeric orientation system. Certified binding homogeneity. When centrifuging MicroWell™ Plates use Spacer Plate (Cat. No. 82-259684) as support. Barcodes available on request.