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CentriVap® Refrigerated Centrifugal Vacuum Concentrators

By Labconco
CentriVap® Refrigerated Centrifugal Vacuum Concentrators

The Refrigerated CentriVap® Centrifugal Concentrator is designed to rapidly concentrate multiple small heat-sensitive samples, such as RNA and proteins, using centrifugal force, vacuum and controlled temperature. This exclusive concentrator combines a refrigeration system that cools to -4°C, protecting delicate samples from heat during the evaporation process, with a heater that warms to 100°C to achieve the user’s desired set point temperatures.

Exclusive features include brushed, stainless steel and glacier white, epoxy-coated steel exterior with blue accents, 300-watt heater, Quick-Start™ One Button Start Up to simultaneously activate rotor, heater, timers and vacuum pump and memory to store nine user-set programs. Choose between models with acrylic or glass lids.

Other features include:

  • Centrifugal motion provided by a brushless motor capable of up to 1725 rpm
  • Quick-Stop™ System to stop vacuum pump, open valve and stop rotor
  • Automatic vacuum release valve
  • Lid latch with safety sensor
  • Epoxy-coated, 12" diameter chamber to accommodate a variety of rotors
  • Large, phenol-free lid seal
  • Built-in vacuum delay
  • Easy-to-read LCD display
  • Separate heat and run times, each from 1 to 999 minutes
  • PREHEAT or PRECOOL button to reach set point temperature
  • Audible alarm to signal completion of set point run time
  • Electrical receptacle for connection of accessory vacuum pump
  • Vacuum port with quick disconnect fitting for connection of a gauge to monitor vacuum level

Required Accessories: Diaphragm or Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump
Optional Accessories: CentriZap™ Strobe Light, Rotors, Vacuum Controller, Laboratory Carts
Dimensions: 14.3"W x 21.7"D x 16.6"H

Cat.No. Brand Name Electrical EA    
1195-7310020 CentriVap® Refrigerated Centrifugal Vacuum Concentrator 115V, Domestic $12180.00
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1195-7310021 CentriVap® Refrigerated Centrifugal Vacuum Concentrator, with Glass Lid 115V, Domestic $13600.00
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1195-7310030 CentriVap® Refrigerated Centrifugal Vacuum Concentrator 230V, Schuko $12180.00
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1195-7310031 CentriVap® Refrigerated Centrifugal Vacuum Concentrator, with Glass Lid 230V, Schuko $13600.00
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1195-7310035 CentriVap® Refrigerated Centrifugal Vacuum Concentrator 230V, British (UK) $12180.00
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1195-7310036 CentriVap® Refrigerated Centrifugal Vacuum Concentrator, with Glass Lid 230V, British (UK) $13600.00
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1195-7310037 CentriVap® Refrigerated Centrifugal Vacuum Concentrator 230V, China/Australia $12180.00
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1195-7310038 CentriVap® Refrigerated Centrifugal Vacuum Concentrator, with Glass Lid 230V, China/Australia $13600.00
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1195-7310040 CentriVap® Refrigerated Centrifugal Vacuum Concentrator 230V, North America $12180.00
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1195-7310041 CentriVap® Refrigerated Centrifugal Vacuum Concentrator, with Glass Lid 230V, North America $13600.00
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