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Book Bottles Space Saving Bottles With Spigot

By Bel Art Products
Book Bottles Space Saving Bottles With Spigot

Designed for space saving convenience, this polypropylene container is made from the unique Book Bottle, a flat rectangular bottle that can be stored on a shelf like books in a library. The spigot, threaded into the bottle and gasketed, requires only a 1/4" turn from closed position to full open. The spigot has a 9.5mm (3/8") I.D. opening and extends from the front of the bottle by 58mm (2.3").The bottle has a 43mm I.D. neck and features a leak-proof seal plug as well as a screw cap. The front is graduated in liters. (Note: spigot has a rubber component that is incompatible with acetone and organic solvents.) Safe transport is assured by the two molded-in handles.

Cat.No. Material Name Capac. Dimensions EA    
8-H11862-0005 Polypropylene Book Bottle with Spigot 5L (1 gal.) 85 x 241 x 374mm $169.54
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8-H11862-0010 Polypropylene Book Bottle with Spigot 10L (2-1/2 gal.) 165 x 241 x 374mm $232.16
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