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Nalgene™ Large Wide Mouth HDPE Bottles

By Nalge
Nalgene™ Large Wide Mouth HDPE Bottles

Perform a wide range of lab and field applications including dry chemical storage and water sampling with Nalgene™ Large Wide-Mouth HDPE Bottles with Closure. These high density polyethylene bottles are good for use in the freezer to -100°C (-148°F). Chemical-resistant HDPE is compatible with a wide variety of lab reagents.

  • Excellent chemical resistance to most acids, bases and alcohols make this a versatile bottle
  • Linerless cap closes the bottle without a liner that can wrinkle, cause leaks, and contaminate your solutions
  • This bottle is not liquid leakproof
  • Includes 100mm polypropylene screw caps
Cat.No.BrandMaterialCapac.Closure SizePK  CS  
7-2120-0005 Nalgene™ HDPE 2L 100mm $0.00
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Add To Favorites $168.00
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7-2120-0010 Nalgene™ HDPE 4 100 $0.00
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Add To Favorites $238.35
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