Pall Gelman MicroFunnel™
By Pall Life SciencesDisposable filter funnels

Pall Gelman MicroFunnel™ disposable filter funnel for vacuum use is an excellent tool for testing for microbial contamination such as coliforms, fungi or specific organisms. Individually bagged and designed to attach directly to the Pall Gelman aluminum filter funnel manifolds (See Cat.Nos. 629-15402, 629-15403), the MicroFunnel is ideal for membrane filtration.
There are two ways to culture a sample filtered with the MicroFunnel: squeezing the top of the cylinder releases the base for easy access to the membrane when plating onto agar or a broth soaked pad. Alternatively the base can be used as a petri dish by placing the clear plastic lid directly on the base. The funnel can also be used on other manifolds by inserting an adapter (supplied) into a rubber stopper.
Funnel filter units are available in 100mL funnel capacity with a variety of membranes. In the white 0.45µm membrane funnels, the membrane is GN-6 Metricel® (mixed cellulose esters) to guarantee accuracy and high bacterial recoveries without grid line inhibition. In the black funnels the membrane is Metricel Blank modified polyethersulfone. The dot matrix grid line is designed to neither enhance nor retard organism growth.
Funnel bases and cylinders are constructed of polypropylene. Plugs and adapters are polyethylene. The support pad is cellulose laminated to polypropylene, and the clear plastic lid is polystyrene.
Each MicroFunnel is individually bagged, labelled, and sterilized by gamma irradiation.
Note: Use with vacuums under 63.5cm Hg only.