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Whatman™ Anopore™ Inorganic Membranes

By Whatman/Cytiva
Whatman™ Anopore™ Inorganic Membranes

The Anopore inorganic membrane is ideal for a wide range of laboratory filtration applications including:

  • HPLC mobile phase filtration and degassing
  • Ultra cleaning of solvents
  • Gravimetric analysis
  • Liposome extrusion
  • Scanning electron microscopy studies
  • Bacterial analysis by epifluores
  • Micrometer and nanometer filtration
  • Metal nanorods formation

This membrane material has a precise, nondeformable honeycomb pore structure that filters at precisely the stated cutoff, allowing no larger-sized particles to pass through the membrane. The precise pore structure and narrow pore size distribution of the Anopore membrane ensure a high level of particle-removal efficiency. Micro-organisms and particulate material are captured on the surface of the membrane for subsequent analysis by light or electron microscopy. When wet, the membrane is virtually transparent, so that retained particles do not need to be transferred to another surface before microscopic examination.

The membrane is hydrophilic and is compatible with most solvents and aqueous material. The manufacturing process eliminates sample contamination and ensures low protein binding and minimal loss of sample. The Anopore membrane is supplied in the form of Anodisc membrane filters. The membrane is peripherally bonded to an annular polypropylene ring (except the 13 mm diameter disc) for ease of handling and is suitable for both vacuum and pressure filtration.

Cat.No. Name Membrane Pore Size Diam PK    
15-6809-7003 Anodisc 13 (no ring) alumina matrix 0.02µm 13mm $1070.46
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15-6809-7013 Anodisc 13 (no ring) alumina matrix 0.1 13 $1070.46
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15-6809-7023 Anodisc 13 (no ring) alumina matrix 0.2 13 $1070.46
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15-6809-6002 Anodisc 25 alumina matrix 0.02µm 25mm $1308.98
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15-6809-6012 Anodisc 25 alumina matrix 0.1 25 $1308.98
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15-6809-6022 Anodisc 25 alumina matrix 0.2 25 $1308.98
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15-6809-5002 Anodisc 47 alumina matrix 0.02µm 47mm $1940.76
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15-6809-5012 Anodisc 47 alumina matrix 0.1 47 $2390.54
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15-6809-5022 Anodisc 47 alumina matrix 0.2 47 $2179.26
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