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Pall Gelman Mixed Cellulose Esters Membranes

By Pall Life Sciences
Pall Gelman Mixed Cellulose Esters Membranes

Pall Gelman provides two types of mixed cellulose esters membranes for environmental monitoring: the GN-4 Metricel® and the GN-6 Metricel®.

GN-4 Metricel 0.8µm membranes are well suited for metal and asbestos level monitoring. They meet all NIOSH requirements for performing Methods 7400 and 7402. Available in 25, 37, and 47mm diameter, with or without support pads. Provided nonsterile; autoclave or EtO if desired.

GN-6 Metricel 0.45µm membranes are suitable for use in US EPA Method 1310 EP Toxicity Testing and meet the requirements for other hazardous waste filtration methods referenced in US EPA SW-846. These membranes meet the US EPA AHERA regulations and NIOSH and OSHA methods of airborne asbestos monitoring. They can also be used in microbiological water testing and analysis in accordance with standard membrane filtration techniques. They meet or surpass all US EPA and ASTM specifications for microbiological analysis.

GN-6 Metricel membranes are available in diameters of 13, 25, 37, 47, and 142mm, nonsterile; autoclave if desired. 47mm GN-6 membranes can be purchased in individually packaged sterile "S-Packs" or in an "Autoclave Package" - 100 membranes and absorbent pads grouped into packets ready for autoclaving.

  • For air monitoring, Cat.Nos. 629-64677, 629-66263, and 629-63068 are available in Pall Gelman 25mm Air Monitoring Cassettes.
  • Cat.Nos. 629-64678 and 629-64382 are available in Pall Gelman 37mm Air Monitoring Cassettes.

Specifications for Metricel Membranes:

GN-4 Metricel GN-6 Metricel
Typical filter weight 4mg/cm2 4mg/cm2
Typical thickness 152.4µm 150µm
Refractive index 1.512 1.512
Typical water flow rate (at 10 psi) 145mL/min/cm2 65mL/min/cm2
Typical air flow rate (at 10 psi) 15Lpm/cm2 8Lpm/cm2
Max. operating temp-water 74°C 74°C
Min. bubble point-water 1.0kg/cm2, 14 psi 1.8kg/cm2, 26 psi
Extractables-boiling water ≤2% ≤2%
Typical moisture pickup (after 24 hr at 48% RH/23°C) <1% <1%

GN-4 Metricel membranes

Cat.No. Name Membrane Material Pore Size Diam Sterile PK    
629-64678 GN-4 Metricel membranes Plain, with support pads Mixed cellulose esters 0.8µm 37mm No $0.00
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629-64679 GN-4 Metricel membranes Plain Mixed cellulose esters 0.8µm 47mm No $0.00
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629-66179 GN-4 Metricel membranes Grid Mixed cellulose esters 0.8µm 47mm No $0.00
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GN-6 Metricel membranes

Cat.No. Membrane Material Pore Size Diam Sterile Packaging PK    
629-63068 Plain Mixed cellulose esters 0.45µm 25mm No   $0.00
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629-64382 Plain, with support pads Mixed cellulose esters 0.45µm 37mm No   $0.00
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629-63069 Plain Mixed cellulose esters 0.45µm 47mm No   $0.00
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629-66068 Grid Mixed cellulose esters 0.45µm 47mm Yes S-Pack $0.00
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629-66278 Grid Mixed cellulose esters 0.45µm 47mm Yes S-Pack $0.00
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