Rtx®-200MS Fused Silica Columns
By RestekCrossbond® trifluoropropylmethyl polysiloxane
- General purpose columns for solvents, Freon® fluorocarbons, alcohols, ketones, silanes, glycols. Excellent confirmation column, with an Rtx®-5 column, for phenols, nitrosamines, organochlorine pesticides, chlorinated hydrocarbons, chlorophenoxy herbicides.
- Temperature range: -20°C to 340°C. (The maximum temperatures listed are for 15- and 30-meter lengths. Longer lengths may have a slightly reduced maximum temperature.)
- Equivalent to USP G6 phase.
Rtx®-200 columns are used for difficult separations not possible on most other bonded stationary phase. The trifluoropropyl stationary phase offers a selectivity that changes elution orders and resolves compounds that phenyl, cyano, or Carbowax® phases can not. Thermal stability, low bleed, and inertness, even for active compounds such as phenols, and even with sensitive detectors such as ECDs, NPDs, and MSDs.