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Thermo Scientific® Accucore PhenylHexyl Defender Guard Cartridges

Thermo Scientific® Accucore PhenylHexyl Defender Guard Cartridges

Thermo Scientific® Accucore PhenylHexyl Defender Guard Cartridges offer easy, economical protection of the main column with minimized impact on retention or efficiency. Based on Core Enhanced Technology, Accucore columns provide fast, high-resolution separations without the elevated backpressures required by sub-2µm particles.

  • New design protects the main column with minimized impact on retention or efficiency
  • Economical and easy to use
  • Compatible with Thermo Scientific Uniguard direct-connection and stand alone holders
  • Fast separations with excellent resolution and sensitivity
  • Lower backpressures so that UHPLC is not required
  • Mixed-Mode Selectivity for Aromatic and Moderately Polar Analytes
  • Enhanced Pi-pi Interactions with Aromatics
  • Moderate Hydrophobicity
Cat.No. Name Column L x I.D. Particle Size PK    
1160-17926-012105 Accucore PhenylHexyl Defender Guard Cartridge 10 x 2.1mm 2.6µm $573.63
1/PKAdd To Favorites
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1160-17926-013005 Accucore PhenylHexyl Defender Guard Cartridge 10 x 3.0mm 2.6µm $573.63
1/PKAdd To Favorites
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1160-17926-014005 Accucore PhenylHexyl Defender Guard Cartridge 10 x 4.6mm 2.6µm $573.63
1/PKAdd To Favorites
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