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QA-Agarose™ Multipurpose

By MP Biomedicals

For preparative DNA and RNA electrophoresis

  • Significantly decreases electrophoresis times
  • Improves separation of very large fragments
  • Dissolves easily in a microwave
  • Suitable for blotting assays

QA-Agarose™ Multipurpose is specially formulated and extensively tested to give excellent fragment resolution over a large size range, 200 bp to 50 kb, by conventional constant field electrophoresis. This agarose can be used at concentrations between 0.4% and 6% in all buffer systems (see figure). This agarose is also suitable for use in pulsed field gel electrophoresis.

Quality tests ensure that this agarose is free from DNases, RNases and ligase inhibitors. Each batch of agarose must pass a DNA transfer test whereby quantitative transfer must occur from gel to membrane.


Gelling Temperature (1.5% gel) 36°C ± 1.5°C
Melting Temperature (1.5% gel) 89°C ± 1.5°C
Gel Strength (1.5% gel) >3200 g/cm2
Electroendosmosis (EEO) < 0.12%
Sulfate < 0.07%
DNase/RNase activity None detected
DNA blotting Complete transfer
Inibition of ligation and restriction enzymes None detected

Molecular weight markers Raoul™, Leon™, Felix™, lanes 1, 2 and 3 respectively, separated on a 1.0% QA-Agarose™ Multipurpose gel.

Storage: Store below 22-25°C

Cat.No. Name Size EA    
17-AGAP0100 QA-Agarose Multipurpose 100g $534.40
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17-AGAP0300 QA-Agarose Multipurpose 3 x 100g $1477.15
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