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FastRNA® Pro Blue Kit

By MP Biomedicals

Isolation of total RNA from gram positive and gram negative bacteria

FastRNA® Pro Blue Kit


  • Rapid and reproducible sample lysis in under 40 seconds with the FastPrep® Instrument
  • Difficult gram positive cells lysed with ease
  • RNA safely and consistently isolated with single-reagent RNApro™ Solution
  • Lyses, isolates and precipitates RNA in less than 90 minutes

The FastRNA® Pro Blue Kit is designed to efficiently isolate total RNA from gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Using the FastPrep Instrument, up to 1010 cells are homogenized by Lysing Matrix B in impact-resistant 2 ml tubes. Total RNA is released into the proprietary, protective RNApro Solution. Following extraction with chloroform and precipitation, total RNA is suitable for RT-PCR analysis and other downstream applications.

Bacterial total RNA extracted with the FastRNA Pro Blue Kit. Approximately 2% of the total RNA isolated from 1010 bacterial cells was loaded on to a 1.2% denaturing agarose gel (1X MOPS). Lane 1: Salmonella typhimurium; Lane 2: Pseudomonas stuartii; Lane 3: Escherichia coli; Lane 4: Bacillus subtilis; Lane 5: 0.24-9.5kb RNA Ladder.

Kit Components: Lysing Matrix B, RNApro™ Solution, DEPC-treated H2O

Cat.No. Name Size EA    
17-6025-050 FastRNA Pro Blue Kit 50 preps $269.39
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