FastRNA® Pro Soil-Direct Kit
By MP BiomedicalsIsolation of total RNA directly from soil
- Rapid and reproducible sample lysis in under 40 seconds with the FastPrep® Instrument
- Easily lyses difficult gram positive cells, plant material, and organic debris directly from soil
- Lysis and purification solutions protect RNA during processing
- Humic acids levels reduced to allow uninhibited RT-PCR
- From lysis to total RNA in less than 2 hours
The FastRNA® Pro Soil-Direct Kit is designed to efficiently isolate total RNA from organic material found in soil samples. Using the FastPrep Instrument, up to 0.5 g of material is homogenized by Lysing Matrix E in impact-resistant 2 ml tubes. Total RNA is released into a protective solution, extracted, precipitated, and cleaned with the proprietary RNAMATRIX® and a Quick-Clean Spin Filter. Total RNA prepared with this kit is suitable for RT-PCR analysis and other downstream applications.
Kit Components: RNApro™ Soil Lysis Solution, Lysing Matrix E, Phenol:Chloroform (1:1), Inhibitor Removal Solution, DEPC-treated H2O, RNA-MATRIX® Binding Solution, RNAMATRIX Slurry, RNAMATRIX Wash Solution Concentrate, Quick-Clean Spin Filters
Total RNA extracted from Soil Samples with the FastRNA Pro Soil-Direct Kit. Approximately 15% of the total RNA isolated from 0.5 g of four different soil samples was loaded on to a 0.8% agarose gel. Lane 1: 1kb ladder, Lane 2: Soil #1, Lane 3: Soil #5, Lane 4: Soil #10, Lane 5: Soil #11.
RT-PCR of Fungal Gene from Total RNA Isolated from Soil Samples with the FastRNA Pro Soil-Direct Kit. Approximately 40% of the RT-PCR reaction was loaded on to a 0.8% agarose gel. Lane 1: 150bp - 2kb marker, Lane 2: Soil #1, Lane 3: Soil #5, Lane 4: Soil #10, Lane 5: Soil #11.