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Socorex® Acura® manual XS Extra Sharp Micropipettes

By DWK - Wheaton Science Products
Socorex® Acura® <em>manual</em> XS Extra Sharp Micropipettes

The Socorex® Acura® manual XS Extra Sharp Micropipette is the ideal instrument for research laboratories. Whether in research or routine applications, they bring more than superior performance and make pipetting safe and agreeable. Built with the user in mind, these micropipettes feature the same combination of high-tech materials and exceptionally user-friendly ergonomics as the rest of the Acura® manual family, with the addition of optimized shape / size ratio cares for superior drivability and improved hand movements when working with micro tubes. Unique tightness lip seal reduces activation forces and provides for ultra-soft pipetting, further reducing hand-fatigue while working. Unsurpassed metrologic performances to fullfill the highest pipetting requirements. A total of 8 micropipettes are available, covering volumes from 0.1µL to 1000µL. Pipettes are lightweight and easy to use. With an adjustable tip ejector (fitting most tips) and swift-set user calibration system. Autoclavable and resistant to chemical, shock and UV-light.

Cat.No. Brand Volume Range Increments Accuracy Precision Tip Size CS    
12-W810300-XS Acura® 0.1 - 2µL 0.002µL ±2.0% (at max. volume) ≤1.5% (at max. volume) 10µL $555.19
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12-W810302-XS Acura® 0.5 - 10µL 0.01µL ±1.0% ≤0.5% 10µL $555.19
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12-W810304-XS Acura® 1 - 10µL 0.01µL ±1.0% ≤0.7% 200µL $555.19
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12-W810306-XS Acura® 2 - 20µL 0.02µL ±1.0% ≤0.5% 200µL $555.19
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12-W810308-XS Acura® 5 - 50µL 0.1µL ±1.0% ≤0.4% 200µL $555.19
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12-W810310-XS Acura® 10 - 100µL 0.1µL ±0.8% ≤0.2% 200µL $555.19
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12-W810312-XS Acura® 20 - 200µL 0.2µL ±0.6% ≤0.2% 200µL $555.19
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12-W810314-XS Acura® 100 - 1000µL 1.0µL ±0.5% ≤0.2% 1000µL $555.19
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