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IKA® Lab Disc Compact Magnetic Stirrer, White

By Ika Works
IKA® Lab Disc Compact Magnetic Stirrer, White

The Lab Disc is an ultra-flat, compact magnetic stirrer. It utilizes modern magnet coil technology, and has a wear-free drive with no moving parts. To ensure better mixing, the lab disc can reverse direction of rotation automatically every 30 seconds.

Other features include:
- High IP protection class (IP 65)
- Set-up plate and casing made from chemically resistant materials
- Slip-proof, safe stand

Cat.No. Name Surface Surface Dimensions Stir Range Dimensions, Ext. EA    
1856-3907500 Lab Disc Polyester plate Ø 100 mm 150 - 1500 rpm 117 x 12 x 180 mm (W x H X D) $0.00
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