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BioSpectrometer® Basic and Kinetic Spectrophotometers

By Eppendorf
BioSpectrometer® Basic and Kinetic Spectrophotometers

The new BioSpectrometer® from Eppendorf is a compact spectrophotometer for measurements in the UV and Vis range. Spectra can be recorded and individual wavelength measurements can be made in a spectral range of 200 nm to 830 nm. Choose between the BioSpectrometer® basic or the BioSpectrometer® kinetic.

In addition to standard cuvettes such as the Eppendorf UVette®, special microliter measuring cells can be used to measure the most minute volumes. With this option, the Eppendorf BioSpectrometers® cover a wide range of concentrations and volumes in addition to standard laboratory methods.


  • Xenon flash lamp with very long service life
  • Preprogrammed methods for a quick start
  • Guided software process to minimize errors
  • Operation directly on the device, no PC necessary
  • Large, easy-to-read 5.7" color display
  • Storage of measuring results (> 1,000) right in the device
  • Integrated data processing option for specific methods

The BioSpectrometer® kinetic model utilizes an integrated Peltier element for temperature control of the cuvette shaft, which is freely selectable from +20°C to +42°C with 0.1°C increments. This means that enzyme and substrate kinetics can be measured directly in the device. No device upgrade with accessories is necessary for temperature control.

Cat.No. Name Electrical EA    
38-6135000017 BioSpectrometer® basic 230V $0.00
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38-6136000010 BioSpectrometer® kinetic 230V $0.00
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38-6135928001 BioSpectrometer® Reference Filter Set   $0.00
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