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Precision™ Water Bath Accessories

By Thermo


A variety of accessories are available for your Thermo Scientific® Precision™ General Purpose Water Baths.


Sample Racks

Sample Racks
50-3161601 Precision™ Stainless Steel Test Tube Rack, holds 50 tubes $544.87
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50-3166183 Precision™ Stainless Steel Petri Dish Rack, holds 80 x 50mm or 30 x 90mm Petri dishes $425.39
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50-3166184 Precision™ 0.5mL Microfuge Rack (Requires Clip Fastener) $317.24
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50-3166185 Precision™ 1.5mL Microfuge Rack (Requires Clip Fastener) $309.00
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Test Tube and Flask Trays

Test Tube and Flask Trays

For use with Precision Reciprocal, Dubnoff, and Shallow-Form Shaking water baths.

50-3161597 Precision™ Test Tube Tray, for 10 x 13-25mm test tubes $879.62
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50-3161599 Precision™ Flask Tray, for 18 x 25mL flasks $899.19
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50-3166228 Precision™ Flask Tray, for 10 x 50mL flasks $0.00
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Use these Water Bath Covers with Precision™ Dubnoff and Shallow-Form Shaking Water Baths.

  • Permit control over the atmosphere surrounding the sample
  • Improve temperature uniformity and reduce energy consumption
  • Polished stainless steel with plastic gas fitting
  • Each bath will accommodate 1 large hood or 2 small hoods
50-3162639 Precision™ Small Gassing Hood $285.31
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50-3162640 Precision™ Large Gassing Hood $401.70
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Ring Sets

Ring Sets

Stainless Steel Ring Sets for use with Steaming Water Baths nest smoothly and become progressively larger as rings are removed. Three ring sizes available: 10 cm (4"), 12.5cm (5"), and 15cm (6").

50-3166186 Precision™ Ring Set, 4" $182.31
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50-3166187 Precision™ Ring Set, 5" $222.48
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50-3166215 Precision™ Ring Set, 6" $307.97
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Clips and Fasteners

Clips and Fasteners

Secure various size flasks to bath platform with the stainless steel Flask Clips. Each requires one fastener. Stainless steel Test Tube Clips hold 13mm to 25mm tubes and each requires one fastener.

50-3166216 Precision™ Test Tube Clip, for 13mm to 25mm tubes $99.91
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50-3166227 Precision™ Flask Clip, for 20 x 25mL (Model 25), 48 x 25mL (Model 50) Flasks $79.52
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50-3166198 Precision™ Flask Clip, for 15 x 50mL (Model 25), 36 x 50mL (Model 50) Flasks $98.67
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50-3166221 Precision™ Flask Clip, for 9 x 125mL (Model 25), 24 x 125mL (Model 50) Flasks $79.52
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50-3166566 Precision™ Flask Clip, for 6 x 250mL (Model 25), 14 x 250mL (Model 50) Flasks $75.71
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50-3166199 Precision™ Flask Clip, for 4 x 500mL (Model 25), 12 x 500mL (Model 50) Flasks $79.52
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50-3166200 Precision™ Flask Clip, for 2 x 1000mL (Model 25), 5 x 1000mL (Model 50) Flasks $218.36
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50-3166189 Precision™ Clip Fastener $150.38
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Water Level Regulator Kits

Water Level Regulator Kits

Adjustable float valve automatically opens when the water level in the bath falls below preset limits to keep the bath full. Valve and float are mounted on a removable bonnet for easy maintenance and service.

Includes: 6ft. (1.8m) 0.25in. Tygon tubing, nylon fittings, clamps and adjustable mounting bracket.

50-3166223 Precision™ Water Level Kit for Circulating, Reciprocal Shaking and Coliform Water Baths $0.00
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Glass Thermometers

Nonhazardous spirit-filled glass thermometers read in 1.0°C increments. For monitoring purposes only.

50-3166220 Precision™ Thermometer, for all models except 180 and 280 model Precision baths; 0° to 100°C, 12" (305mm) long $81.37
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Oxygen/Nitrogen/CO2 Flowmeter

For use with Dubnoff™ and Shallow-Form Shaking Water Baths. Independent controls regulate flow of gas to sample environment. Permits flowrates from 0 to 10CFH (0 to 4719 cc/min).

50-3166181 Precision™ Oxygen/Nitrogen/CO2 Flowmeter $971.29
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