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Traceable® Humidity / Thermometer

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Traceable® Humidity / Thermometer
  • Unit displays Min/max humidity readings and includes a HOLD key to freeze display for later reading
  • Records wide humidity variations on a second-to-second basis
  • Data logger captures 1000 readings manually at the push of a key or automatically when set between 1 to 3600 secs
  • Computer output allows unit to be connect to a computer for data downloading

Unit simultaneously displays humidity or dew point and temperature. One of the newest and fastest humidity sensors ever developed displays full-range humidity changes in 5-30 seconds. Monitor labs, clean rooms, food processing, and all humidity-sensitive manufacturing areas with this high-resolution unit. Relative humidity resolution is 0.01%, accuracy is ±3% RH, and range is 10.00 to 95.00% RH. Dew Point is a calculated measurement, resolution is 0.01°, accuracy is sum accuracy of humidity and temperature. Range is –13.50 to 120.1°F and –25.30 to 48.90°C. Temperature resolution is 0.01°, accuracy is ±1°C, and range is 32.00 to 122.0°F and 0.00 to 50.00°C.

Multi-point calibration on an individually-numbered Traceable® Certificate which assures accuracy from an ISO/IEC 17025:2005 (1750.01) calibration laboratory accredited by A2LA. It indicates traceability of measurements to the SI units through NIST or other recognized national measurement institutes (NMI) that are signatories to the CIPM Mutual Recognition Agreement.

Memory recalls minimum/maximum readings. Computer output allows unit to be connected to a computer for down loading data logger results or constant monitoring.

Jumbo-size display is 1-3/8-inch-high. Case is impact-resistant ABS plastic. Supplied with probe (2/3-inch diameter x 8 inches length), 40-inch cable, 9-volt alkaline battery, and Traceable® Certificate. Size is 7 x 2-3/4 x 1-1/8 inches. Weight is 9-1/2 ounces. Replacement battery Cat. No. 291-1112.

Cat.No. Name EA    
291-4189 Traceable® Humidity/Thermometer $0.00
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