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Nalgene™ Glass Prefilters

By Nalge
Nalgene™ Glass Prefilters


Increase filtration speed and throughput of highly viscous or heavily particulated solutions by using Thermo Scientific Nalgene™ Glass Fiber Prefilter Discs in conjunction with any Nalgene™ MF75 filter units or bottle top filters.

Glass fiber prefilter discs are for Nalgene™ 50, 75, and 90mm diameter reusable filtration products Cat. Nos. 300, DS0310, DS0330, DS0315, DS0320. The 75mm size is included in cases of Nalgene 500 and 1000mL nylon membrane and surfactant-free cellulose acetate (SFCA) membrane filter units.


7-DS0281-5000 Glass Prefilters, 50mm $124.95
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7-DS0281-7500 Glass Prefilters, 75mm $168.00
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7-DS0281-9000 Glass Prefilters, 90mm $194.25
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