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BRANDplates® Strip Plates

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BRANDplates® Strip Plates

BRANDplates® Strip Plates, 12xF8, offer high flexibility. A rigid frame with removable F-bottom 8-strips allows use of only as many wells as necessary. Choose from two types of construction:

  • Without grid: Individual 8-well strips can be removed and placed within the frame. Use only as many 8-well strips as needed.
  • With grid:The 8-well strips can be divided as needed. Even individual wells can be removed and replaced, with the grid securing their position. The ultimate in flexibility!

Both types of Strip Plates are available in either pureGrade™ or immunoGrade™ surfaces. BRAND pureGrade™ plates are non-treated, polystyrene medium binding plates, slightly more hydrophobic than the high binding immunoGrade™ surface treatment. BRAND immunoGrade™ plates are optimized for the immobilization of IgG, and offer the highest binding capacity for molecules with mixed hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions. An excellent choice for the majority of standard ELISAs, and also suitable for solid phase immunoassays.

Cat.No. Brand Name Treated Material Well Volume Well Shape Color Lid Sterile Packaging PK    
478-782300 BRANDplates® Strip Plates, pureGrade™ without grid N Polystyrene 360µL F-bottom Clear N N 4 bags of 25 plates $1248.00
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478-782301 BRANDplates® Strip Plates, pureGrade™ with grid N Polystyrene 350µL F-bottom Clear N N 4 bags of 25 plates $1332.00
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478-782305 BRANDplates® Strip Plates, immunoGrade™ without grid Y Polystyrene 360µL F-bottom Clear N N 4 bags of 25 plates $1248.00
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478-782306 BRANDplates® Strip Plates, immunoGrade™ with grid Y Polystyrene 350µL F-bottom Clear N N 4 bags of 25 plates $1308.00
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