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Hettich Rotofix 46 / 46 H Centrifuges

By Hettich
Hettich Rotofix 46 / 46 H Centrifuges

The robust and highly adaptable Rotofix 46 / 46 H centrifuges are specially developed for use in industrial and research laboratories and are ideal for standardized quality assurance procedures as well as special applications in research. These all-steel-construction centrifuges are available with or without temperature control and hold a maximum capacity of 290mL. The Rotofix 46 H features a robust and steady temperature control system from +10 to +90°C. For standardized petroleum tests suitable sample tubes can be centrifuged at the required temperature.

Specialty applications include organic and inorganic chemistry, preparatory and analytical chemistry, electroplating, and petrochemistry. Universal swing-out rotor for tubes and bottles ranging from 3mL to 290mL are available.

Hettich Rotofix 46 / 46 H Centrifuges

Cat.No. Model Name Voltage Max. Volume Speed (rpm) RCF Temp Range Size EA    
28329-4600-01 46 Centrifuge, Rotofix 46 120V 4 x 290mL 4,000 3,095   345 x 538 x 647mm $7035.00
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28329-4600-51 46 H Heated Centrifuge, Rotofix 46 H 120V 4 x 100mL 2,000 984 +10°C to +90°C 345 x 538 x 647mm $8420.00
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Rotofix 46 / 46 H Application Packages

Cat.No. Model Name EA    
28329-46ASTM-50 46 ASTM Package–50: Rotofix 46 centrifuge, 4-place 90° swing-out rotor (for 50mL tubes, 45 x 130mm), buckets, and adapters $11215.00
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28329-46HASTM-50 46 H ASTM Package–50: Rotofix 46 H heated centrifuge, 4-place 90° swing-out rotor (for 50mL tubes, 45 x 130mm), buckets, and adapters $12595.00
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28329-46ASTM-100A 46 ASTM Package–100A: Rotofix 46 centrifuge, 4-place 90° swing-out rotor (for 100mL tubes, 58 x 161mm), buckets, and adapters $11095.00
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28329-46HASTM-100A 46 H ASTM Package–100A: Rotofix 46 H heated centrifuge, 4-place 90° swing-out rotor (for 100mL tubes, 58 x 161), buckets, and adapters $12480.00
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28329-46ASTM-100B 46 ASTM Package–100B: Rotofix 46 centrifuge, 4-place 90° swing-out rotor (for 100mL tubes, 44 x 168mm), buckets, and adapters $11765.00
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28329-46HASTM-100B 46 H ASTM Package–100B: Rotofix 46 H heated centrifuge, 4-place 90° swing-out rotor (for 100mL tubes, 44 x 168mm), buckets, and adapters $13145.00
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28329-46ASTM-100C 46 ASTM Package–100C: Rotofix 46 centrifuge, 4-place 90° swing-out rotor (for 100mL tubes, 37 x 200mm), buckets, and adapters $11300.00
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28329-46HASTM-100C 46 H ASTM Package–100C: Rotofix 46 H heated centrifuge, 4-place 90° swing-out rotor (for 100mL tubes, 37 x 200mm), buckets, and adapters $12685.00
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28329-46ASTM-100D 46 ASTM Package–100D: Rotofix 46 centrifuge, 4-place 90° swing-out rotor (for 100mL tubes, 45 x 165mm), buckets, and adapters $12530.00
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28329-46HASTM-100D 46 H ASTM Package–100D: Rotofix 46 H heated centrifuge, 4-place 90° swing-out rotor for 100mL tubes, 45 x 165mm), buckets, and adapters $13920.00
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28329-46CHROME 46 Chrome Bath Package: Rotofix 46 centrifuge, 6-place 90° swing-out rotor, and buckets $9700.00
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28329-46HCHROME 46 H Chrome Bath Package: Rotofix 46 H heated centrifuge, 6-place 90° swing-out rotor, and buckets $11080.00
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28329-46SCHLENK 46 Schlenk Package: Rotofix 46 centrifuge, 6-place 90° swing-out rotor, and adapters $10845.00
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28329-46HSCHLENK 46 H Schlenk Package: Rotofix 46 H heated centrifuge, 6-place 90° swing-out rotor, and adapters $12225.00
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28329-46BABCOCK 46 Babcock Package: Rotofix 46 centrifuge, 4-place 90° swing-out rotor, and adapters $11120.00
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28329-46HBABCOCK 46 Babcock Package: Rotofix 46 H heated centrifuge, 4-place 90° swing-out rotor, and adapters $12500.00
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