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Agilent Captiva Filter Cartridges

By Agilent Technologies
Agilent Captiva Filter Cartridges

Agilent's Captiva filter cartridges bring all of the benefits of Captiva filtration plates to the standard SPE cartridge format. The 0.2µm and 0.45µm depth filter cartridges are ideal for preparing precipitated protein samples for LC/MS analysis. The Captiva 10µm glass fiber filter cartridge is designed for clarifying highly particle-laden samples, such as freshly thawed plasma, preventing sample transfer problems due to pipette tip clogging.

3mL Non-Drip (ND) cartridges have 0.2µm pore size filters, can be used with either methanol or acetonitrile, and are designed for work flows using a vacuum manifold. These fast and easy single-sample cartridges effectively remove precipitated proteins and particulates. The ND Lipids cartridge also removes ion suppressing phospholipids from samples prior to LC-MS analysis. The dual-depth filter in these products helps ensure consistent flow and prevent clogging.

Cat.No. Name Volume Pore Size Addl. Info. EA    
92-A5300263 Captiva Non-Drip Filtration Tube 3mL 0.2µm Pack of 20 $49.90
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92-A5302635 Captiva Non-Drip Lipids Filtration Tube 3mL 0.2µm Pack of 20 $74.78
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92-A5300063 Captiva Non-Drip Filtration Tube 3mL 0.2µm Pack of 100 $246.17
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92-A5300635 Captiva Non-Drip Lipids Filtration Tube 3mL 0.2µm Pack of 100 $363.59
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92-A5300002 Captiva Filter Cartridges, (PVDF) and (PP) 3mL 0.2µm Pack of 100 $342.99
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92-A5307045 Captiva Filter Cartridges, (PVDF) and (PP) 3mL 0.45µm Pack of 100 $319.30
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92-A500401000 Captiva Filter Cartridges, glass fiber 10mL 10µm Pack of 100 $317.24
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