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ACE microscale, fixed-head, spinning-band column assembly

ALDRICH/Z167061 - joint: ST/NS 14/10 top and bottom, PTFE

Product Type: Equipment/Book

Catalog Number PKG Qty. Price Quantity
45-Z167061-1EA 1 ea
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joint joint: ST/NS14/10 top and bottom
manufacturer/tradename Ace Glass 959547
material PTFE
General description: Effective for separating low-boiling liquid mixtures with volumes in the 0.5 to 5.0 mL range. Low cost makes it useful for teaching microdistillation. Column has screw-threaded 14/10F joint at top and 14/10M joint at bottom with screw-threaded 7/10M joint on drip-tipped take-off arm. Body is vacuum jacketed. Band is virgin PTFE with permanently attached "V" bottom magnet. Coupled to a conventional magnetic stirrer, experimental data indicate satisfactory performance at 1000 rpm. Column has been shown to achieve height-equivalent theoretical-plate (HETP) values approaching 0.2 in./plate within 90 min. of reaching distillation temperature.

Replacement parts:
Z167088, Column
Z167096, PTFE band
Z167118, Vacuum-takeoff adapter- 2 screw-threaded 7/10F and 1 14/10M joints
Z148369, Receiver vial, 3mL
Z148377, Reaction vial, 5mL
Z167134, PTFE stopper, 7/10
UNSPSC 41104812

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