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Ultrasonic processors 500W and 750W

ALDRICH/Z528897 - 500W, AC/DC input 110 V AC

Synonym: Ultrasonic homogenizers; Ultrasonic processing equipment

Product Type: Equipment/Book

Catalog Number PKG Qty. Price Quantity
45-Z528897-1EA 1 ea
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availability not available in EU
manufacturer/tradename Sonics & Materials VCX500-110V
General description: The VCX 500 offers 500 watts of power to handle a range of liquid processing applications. This model shares the same microprocessor based operating system and programming screens as the VCX750 system.Using a variety of accessories, the system can process a wide range of sample types and volumes for many different applications.The VCX 500 includes a standard 1/2" diameter probe (50 – 250mL volumes) with replaceable tip.

• Automatic tuning and frequency control
• Integrated temperature controller from 1°C to 100°C
• Stores up to 10 procedures
• Real time display
• Control process time from 1 second to 10 hours
• Shipped complete with a 1/2 in. (13 mm) probe (630-0220) with replaceable tip, tool kit, and instruction manual

Cell disruption in bacteria, spores, and tissues; accelerating catalytic reactions; extractions of serums, toxins, enzymes, and viruses from organic sources; solubilizing difficult compounds; emulsification to 0.01 mm; homogenizing liquids; sample preparation from microscopy and particle size analysis.
UNSPSC 41101519

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