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Aldrich® Kugelrohr short-path distillation apparatus

ALDRICH/Z683477 - AC/DC input 115 V AC

Synonym: apparatus for distillation; ball tube distillation; distillation apparatus; distilling apparatus; fractional distillation apparatus; glass distillation apparatus; kugelrohr apparatus; kugelrohr distillation; short path distillation apparatus; vacuum distillation apparatus

Product Type: Equipment/Book

Catalog Number PKG Qty. Price Quantity
45-Z683477-1EA 1 ea
1/EAAdd To Favorites
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Aldrich Kugelrohr
Aldrich Kugelrohr with door open
Aldrich Kugelrohr back side
Aldrich Kugelrohr glass set up
Aldrich Kugelrohr control panel


parameter 220 °C temp. limit
W × H × D 25 in. × 18 in. × 11 in.
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