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Displaying 57101-57150 of 68959 results.
Sigma Cat.No.Description
SYNA722440Synthware metering flow control adapter with PTFE stopcock
joint: ST/NS 14/20
SYNA732440Synthware metering flow control straight adapter with PTFE stopcock
joint: ST/NS 24/40
SYNA741420GSynthware vertical vacuum take-off adapter with glass stopcock
joint: ST/NS 14/20
SYNA742440Synthware vertical vacuum take-off adapter with PTFE stopcock
joint: ST/NS 24/40
SYNA742440GSynthware vertical vacuum take-off adapter with glass stopcock
joint: ST/NS 24/40
SYNA751420Synthware 90 degree vacuum adapter with glass stopcock
male joint: ST/NS 14/20
SYNA751922Synthware 90 degree vacuum adapter with glass stopcock
male joint: ST/NS 19/22
SYNA752440Synthware 90 degree vacuum adapter with glass stopcock
male joint: ST/NS 24/40
SYNA761420Synthware flushing adapter with T-bore PTFE stopcock
joint: ST/NS 14/20
SYNA771410Synthware inlet/thermometer adapter
joint: ST/NS 14/10
SYNA781410Synthware thermometer adapter with hose connection
joint: ST/NS 14/10
SYNA791419Synthware bushing adapter
female joint: ST/NS 14/20, male joint: ST/NS 19/22
SYNA791924Synthware bushing adapter
female joint: ST/NS 19/38, male joint: ST/NS 24/40
SYNA792434Synthware bushing adapter
female joint: ST/NS 24/40, male joint: ST/NS 34/45
SYNA792445Synthware bushing adapter
female joint: ST/NS 24/40, male joint: ST/NS 45/50
SYNA793524Synthware bushing adapter
female joint: ST/NS 14/35, male joint: ST/NS 24/40
SYNA831420Synthware inlet adapter with fritted disc
joint: ST/NS 14/20
SYNA831922Synthware inlet adapter with fritted disc
joint: ST/NS 19/22
SYNA832440Synthware inlet adapter with fritted disc
joint: ST/NS 24/40
SYNA841420Synthware vacuum filtration adapter
bottom joint: ST/NS 14/20, Stopper Size: #1, stopper size #1
SYNA842415Synthware vacuum filtration adapter
bottom joint: ST/NS 24/40, joint: ST/NS 24/40, Stopper Size: #3, stopper size #3
SYNA842440Synthware vacuum filtration adapter
bottom joint: ST/NS 24/40, joint: ST/NS 24/40, Stopper Size: #5 or #6, stopper size #5 or #6
SYNA851410Synthware drying tube, 90 degree
joint: ST/NS 14/10
SYNA851420Synthware U-shaped drying tube
joint: ST/NS 14/20
SYNA851922Synthware U-shaped drying tube
joint: ST/NS 19/22
SYNA852440Synthware U-shaped drying tube
joint: ST/NS 24/40
SYNA861420Synthware straight drying tube
joint: ST/NS 14/20
SYNA861922Synthware straight drying tube
joint: ST/NS 19/22
SYNA862440Synthware straight drying tube
joint: ST/NS 24/40
SYNA871420Synthware 75 degree angled drying tube
joint: ST/NS 14/20
SYNA871922Synthware 75 degree angled drying tube
joint: ST/NS 19/22
SYNA872440Synthware 75 degree angled drying tube
joint: ST/NS 24/40
SYNA881420Synthware vacuum/inert gas adapter with T-bore glass stopcock
joint: ST/NS 14/20
SYNA881420GSynthware vacuum/inert gas adapter with T-bore glass stopcock
joint: ST/NS 14/20
SYNA882440Synthware vacuum/inert gas adapter with T-bore glass stopcock
joint: ST/NS 24/40
SYNA882440GSynthware vacuum/inert gas adapter with T-bore glass stopcock
joint: ST/NS 24/40
SYNA891420Synthware distilling adapter with 105 degree bend
top joint: ST/NS 14/20, bottom joint: ST/NS 14/20
SYNA891922Synthware distilling adapter with 105 degree bend
top joint: ST/NS 19/22, bottom joint: ST/NS 19/22
SYNA892440Synthware distilling adapter with 105 degree bend
top joint: ST/NS 24/40, bottom joint: ST/NS 24/40
SYNA901420Synthware Claisen distillation adapter with compression cap thermometer port
joint: ST/NS 14/20
SYNA902440Synthware Claisen distillation adapter with compression cap thermometer port
joint: ST/NS 24/40
SYNA921420Synthware vacuum or inert gas adapter
male joint: ST/NS 14/20
SYNA921922Synthware vacuum or inert gas adapter
male joint: ST/NS 19/22
SYNA922440Synthware vacuum or inert gas adapter
male joint: ST/NS 24/40
SYNA951420Synthware vacuum or inert gas adapter
female joint: ST/NS 14/20
SYNA951922Synthware vacuum or inert gas adapter
female joint: ST/NS 19/22
SYNA961922Synthware distillation drip adapter
joint: ST/NS 19/22, bend: 105 deg
SYNA962440Synthware distillation drip adapter
joint: ST/NS 24/40, bend: 105 deg
SYNA971922Synthware distilling adapter with compression cap
joint: ST/NS 19/22, side arm angle: 75 deg
SYNA972440Synthware distilling adapter with compression cap
joint: ST/NS 24/40, side arm angle: 75 deg

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