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DIG Oligonucleotide Tailing Kit, 2nd generation

ROCHE/03353583910 - sufficient for 25 reactions (100 pmol oligonucleotide per assay; 1 ug of a 30-mer oligonucleotide)

Product Type: Chemical

Catalog Number PKG Qty. Price Quantity
45-3353583910 25 reactions
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12 Principles of Green Chemistry: Principle 4—Designing Safer Chemicals
Chemical products should be designed to affect their desired function while minimizing their toxicity.


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greener alternative product characteristics Designing Safer Chemicals
Learn more about the Principles of Green Chemistry .
manufacturer/tradename Roche
Quality Level 100 
storage condition avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles
usage sufficient for 25 reactions (100 pmol oligonucleotide per assay; 1 ug of a 30-mer oligonucleotide)
Application: DIG Oligonucleotide Tailing Kit, 2nd generation has been used to label oligonucleotide probes in:
• northern blot assay
• in situ hybridization (ISH)
• fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
In addition to common hybridization techniques, DIG-labeled oligonucleotides are especially useful for screening expression libraries for sequence-specific DNA binding proteins, for example, transcription factors.
Features and Benefits: Tailing of oligonucleotides at the 3′-end with DIG-11-dUTP and recombinant Terminal Transferase. Oligonucleotides are tailed with DIG-dUTP and dATP at an average tail length of 50 nucleotides (tail length range: 10 – 100).

• Very sensitive hybridization probes, due to the incorporation of several DIG-nucleotides
• Fast hybridization kinetics, due to the small size of oligonucleotides
• Single-stranded probes, no renaturation during hybridization
• Sequence can be designed according to the experiment
• Specially suited for in situ hybridization; due to their small size, oligonucleotides readily diffuse into fixed tissues and cells
General description: DIG Oligonucleotide Tailing Kit, 2nd generation employs the enzyme terminal transferase. It catalyzes the addition of digoxigenin (DIG)-11-deoxyuridine triphosphate (dUTP) and deoxyadenosine triphosphate (dATP) to the 3′-OH end of oligonucleotides.
General description: We are committed to bringing you Greener Alternative Products, which adhere to one or more of The 12 Principles of Greener Chemistry. This product is designed as a safer chemical.  The DIG System was established as a sensitive and cost-effective alternative to using radioactivity for the labeling and detection of nucleic acids. There are many available publications that prove the versatility of the DIG System, so use of radio-labeling is no longer the only option for labeling of DNA for hybridization.
Other Notes: For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Packaging: 1 kit containing 11 components
Preparation Note: Working concentration: Oligonucleotides
In one standard labeling reaction up to 100 pmol oligonucleotide (1 μg of a 30-mer oligonucleotide) can be applied.
Principle: DIG-dUTP and dATP are combined at a concentration that gives the highest DIG incorporation into the tail, and optimal spacing of DIG and dATP, to achieve the highest sensitivity in hybridization experiments. DIG-dUTP and dATP are provided as separate solutions to allow greater flexibility in terms of tail length, hapten spacing, and the use of unlabeled nucleotide(s).
Storage and Stability: Store at -15–-25 °C. (unopened kit)
UNSPSC 12352200
Components Reaction Buffer 5x concentrated; CoCl<SUB>2</SUB> Solution 25 mM; DIG-dUTP Solution 1 mM; dATP Solution 10 mM; Recombinant Terminal Transferase 400 U/μl; Control Oligonucleotide, unlabeled 20 pmol/μl; Oligonucleotide, DIG-dUTP/dATP tailed 2.5 pmol/μl; Control DNA 0.25 mg/ml; Glycogen Solution 20 mg/ml; DNA Dilution Buffer, 50 μg/ml fish sperm DNA; Poly(A) Solution 10 mg/ml

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