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Neuraminidase (Sialidase)

ROCHE/11080725001 - from Vibrio cholerae

Synonym: Salidase

Product Type: Chemical

Catalog Number PKG Qty. Price Quantity
45-11080725001 1 unit
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application(s) life science and biopharma
sample preparation
biological source Vibrio cholerae
form solution
manufacturer/tradename Roche
mol wt ~95 kDa
optimum pH 5.5-6.2
packaging pkg of 1 U
Quality Level 100 
shipped in wet ice
specific activity ~20 units/mg protein (Approximately 40 U/mg enzyme protein at 37 °C and pH 5.5, with N-acetyl-neuraminosyl-D-lactose as the substrate.)
storage temp. 2-8°C
suitability suitable for ELISA applications
Application: Neuraminidase has been used:
• to remove cis-acting sialic acids in CHO (chinese hamster ovary) cells
• for deglycosylation studies
General description: Neuraminidase is an acylneuraminyl hydrolase which hydrolyzes terminal N- or O-acylneuraminic acids which are α2,3-, α2,6-, or α2,8-linked (rate: α2,6 > α2,3 > α2,8) to oligosaccharides, polysaccharides, mucopolysaccharides, glycoproteins, and glycolipids. Noteworthy, for the hydrolysis of glycolipids, the presence of a detergent is necessary. Because of the broad substrate specificity, the enzyme is very well suited for the complete removal of sialic acids from glycoconjugates of a wide variety of biological materials (e.g., in cytology, on cell surfaces, viruses etc.).
Legal Information: The sale of the Product does not exhaust or grant any rights in third party patents including patents of companies of the F. Hoffmann - La Roche AG group of companies, in particular, for the use of modified antibodies obtained by using the product.
Other Notes: For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Physical form: Solution in 50 mM sodium acetate, 154 mM sodium chloride, 9 mM calcium chloride, 0.1% Micr-O-Protect (w/v), human serum albumin, 25 mg/l, pH 5.5. The preparation contains 10 mM EDTA.
Note: The serum used for this preparation was tested for HBs antigen and for the presence of antibodies to HIV-1, HIV-2, HCV, and found to be negative, according to the current quality control procedures.

Specificity: Hydrolyzes terminal N- or O-acyl-neuraminic acids that are α2,3-, α2,6-, or α2,8-linked to galactose, Hex, NAc, or N- or O-acylated neuraminyl residues in oligosaccharides/glycoconjugates or colominic acid. Relative rate of cleavage is α2,3 >α2,6 >α2,8, determined on bonds in tri- and tetrasaccharides.
Unit Definition: One unit is the enzyme activity that hydrolyzes 1 μmol N-acetyl-neuraminosyl-D-lactose within 1 min at +37 °C under the following incubation conditions:
10 mM N-acetyl-neuraminosyl-D-lactose, 50 mM sodium acetate, 4 mM calcium chloride, bovine serum albumin, 100 μg/ml, pH 5.5. The activity is determined by measuring the released D-lactose using the β-galactosidase/galactose dehydrogenase method. Under the same conditions, 1 μmol N-acetylneuraminic acid per min is split off from human acid α1-glycoprotein (10 mg/ml incubation mixture) by 1 U neuraminidase. Released N-acetyl-neuraminic acid can be determined using, for example, the thiobarbituric acid method.
activity specific activity: ~20 units/mg protein (Approximately 40 U/mg enzyme protein at 37 °C and pH 5.5, with N-acetyl-neuraminosyl-D-lactose as the substrate.)
Storage Temp. 2-8°C
Enzyme Commission (EC) Number   ( BRENDA  | IUBMB  )
UNSPSC 12352204

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