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ROCHE/11667475001 - from mouse IgG2bκ

Synonym: antibody

Product Type: Chemical

Catalog Number PKG Qty. Price Quantity
45-11667475001 50 µg
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antibody form purified immunoglobulin
antibody product type primary antibodies
assay ≥95% (HPLC and SDS-PAGE)
biological source mouse
clone 12CA5, monoclonal
concentration 0.1 mg/mL
conjugate peroxidase conjugate
epitope sequence YPYDVPDYA
form solution
isotype IgG2bκ
manufacturer/tradename Roche
packaging pkg of 50 μg (500 μl)
storage temp. −20°C
Application: • Use Anti-HA-Peroxidase for the immunochemical detection of native influenza hemagglutinin protein and recombinant HA-tagged proteins using:
• Dot blot
• Western blot
Use of Anti-HA-Peroxidase eliminates the need for a secondary detection step.
Note: For experiments in which sensitivity is not critical, use Anti-HA-Peroxidase (12CA5). For higher sensitivity detection in western blotting at 10-fold lower concentration, use Anti-HA High Affinity.
General description: Anti-HA-Peroxidase is a monoclonal antibody to the HA peptide, conjugated to peroxidase. Anti-HA-Peroxidase recognizes the HA nonapeptide sequence (YPYDVPDYA), derived from the human influenza virus hemagglutinin protein (amino acids 98-106). The antibody recognizes its antigenic determinant even when the HA peptide epitope is introduced into unrelated recombinant proteins by a technique known as "epitope tagging".
Immunogen: Amino acids 98-106 from the human influenza virus hemagglutinin protein
Other Notes: For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Preparation Note: Stabilizers: BSA, sucrose, 0.02% thymol
Working concentration: Working concentration of conjugate depends on application and substrate.

The following concentrations should be taken as a guideline:• Western blot: 0.1 μg/ml

Working solution: 20-fold dilution of Western Blocking Reagent in 1x PBS.
Quality: Each lot of Anti-HA antibody is tested for functionality and purity relative to a reference standard to confirm the quality of each new reagent preparation.
Specificity: Anti-HA-Peroxidase recognizes the 9-amino acid sequence YPYDVPDYA, derived from the human influenza hemagglutinin (HA) protein. This epitope is also recognized in fusion proteins regardless of its position (N-terminal, C-terminal or internal).
Specificity: The antibody reacts with the HA epitope, a nonapeptide sequence (YPYDVPDYA) derived from the influenza hemagglutinin protein.
RIDADR NONH for all modes of transport
WGK Germany WGK 1
Flash Point(F) does not flash
Flash Point(C) does not flash
Purity ≥95% (HPLC and SDS-PAGE)
Storage Temp. −20°C
UNSPSC 12352200

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