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Displaying 8451-8500 of 12126 results.
Sigma Cat.No.Description
NIST33917 Chromium-9 nickel-0.2 selenium steel
NIST® SRM® 339
NIST33ENickel steel
NIST® SRM® 33e
NIST341Ductile cast iron
NIST342ANodular cast iron
NIST® SRM® 342a
NIST344Chromium-nickel steel
NIST® SRM® 344, Cr 15 - Ni 7 (Mo precipitation hardening)
NIST3451Low temperature Seebeck coefficient standard
NIST346AValve steel
NIST® SRM® 346a
NIST® SRM® 349a
NIST360BZirconium (Sn-Fe-Cr) alloy
NIST® SRM® 360b
NIST361Low alloy steel
NIST® SRM® 361, (AISI 4340)
NIST363Low alloy steel
NIST® SRM® 363, Cr-V (mod.)
NIST3667Creatinine in frozen human urine
NIST® SRM® 3667
NIST3668Mercury, perchlorate, and iodide in frozen human urine
NIST® SRM® 3668
NIST3669Arsenic species in frozen human urine (elevated levels)
NIST® SRM® 3669
NIST3671Nicotine metabolites in human urine (frozen)
NIST® SRM® 3671
NIST3672Organic contaminants in smokers′ urine (frozen)
NIST® SRM® 3672
NIST3673Organic contaminants in non-smokers′ urine (frozen)
NIST® SRM® 3673
NIST368Carbon steel
NIST® SRM® 368, (AISI 1211)
NIST3950Vitamin B6 in frozen human serum
NIST® SRM® 3950
NIST399Unalloyed copper
NIST® SRM® 399, Cu VI (chips)
NIST39JBenzoic acid
NIST® SRM® 39j, calorimetric standard
NIST423Molybdenum oxide concentrate
NIST® SRM® 423
NIST454Unalloyed copper
NIST SRM 454, Cu XI (chips)
NIST457Unalloyed copper
NIST® SRM® 457, Cu IV (solid)
NIST458Beryllium-copper alloy
(17510), NIST® SRM® 458
NIST459Beryllium-copper alloy
(17200), NIST SRM 459, (17200)
NIST460Beryllium-copper alloy
NIST® SRM® 460
NIST46HPortland cement
NIST® SRM® 46h, fineness standard
NIST480Tungsten 20 % - molybdenum alloy electron microprobe standard
NIST® SRM® 480
NIST481Gold-silver wires for microprobe analysis
NIST® SRM® 481
NIST482Gold-copper wires for microprobe analysis
NIST® SRM® 482
NIST494Unalloyed copper
NIST® SRM® 494, Cu I (solid)
NIST495Unalloyed copper
NIST® SRM® 495, Cu II (solid)
NIST498Unalloyed copper
NIST® SRM® 498, Cu V (solid)
NIST4LCast iron
NIST500Unalloyed copper
NIST® SRM® 500, Cu VII
NIST50CTungsten-chromium-vanadium steel
NIST® SRM® 50c
NIST53ELead-base bearing metal (84Pb - 10Sb - 6Sn)
NIST® SRM® 53e
NIST54DBearing metal (tin base)
NIST® SRM® 54d
NIST57BSilicon metal
NIST® SRM® 57b
NIST® SRM® 58a, 73% Si - regular grade
NIST® SRM® 59a
NIST® SRM® 600, Australian
NIST607Potassium feldspar
NIST® SRM® 607
NIST610Trace elements in glass
NIST® SRM® 610
NIST611Trace elements in glass
NIST® SRM® 611
NIST612Trace elements in glass
NIST® SRM® 612
NIST613Trace elements in glass
NIST® SRM® 613
NIST614Trace elements in glass
NIST® SRM® 614
NIST616Trace elements in glass
NIST® SRM® 616

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