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CD44 (MRQ-13) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody


Product Type: Chemical

Catalog Number PKG Qty. Price Quantity
45-144M-94 0.1 mL
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45-144M-95 0.5 mL
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45-144M-96 1 mL
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45-144M-97 1 mL
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45-144M-98 7 mL
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Immunohistochemistry CD44 (MRQ-13) on transitional cell carcinoma in-situ


antibody form culture supernatant
antibody product type primary antibodies
biological source mouse
clone MRQ-13, monoclonal
conjugate unconjugated
control benign urothelium
description For In Vitro Diagnostic Use in Select Regions (See Chart)
form buffered aqueous solution
isotype IgG2a
manufacturer/tradename Cell Marque
packaging bottle of 1.0 mL predilute (144M-97)
  bottle of 7.0 mL predilute (144M-98)
  vial of 0.1 mL concentrate (144M-94)
  vial of 0.5 mL concentrate (144M-95)
  vial of 1.0 mL concentrate (144M-96)
Quality Level 100 
shipped in wet ice
species reactivity human
storage temp. 2-8°C
technique(s) immunohistochemistry (formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections): 1:100-1:500
visualization membranous
General description: The CD44 family of glycoproteins exists in a number of variant isoforms, the most common being the standard 85-95kD or hematopoietic variant (CD44s) that is found in mesodermal cells such as hematopoietic, fibroblastic, and glial cells, and in some carcinoma cell lines. Higher molecular weight isoforms have been described in epithelial cells (CD44v) and are thought to function in intercellular adhesion and stromal binding. While the other functions and distributions of the CD44 family have not yet been completely elucidated they are also known to participate in embryonic development and angiogenesis as well as other molecular processes associated with specific adhesions, signal transduction, and cell migration. The recent demonstration of a concordance of the cell proliferation nuclear antigen, Ki-67, and CD44 expression in adenomatous polyps, colonic carcinomas and adjacent mucosa raises the possibility of involvement of CD44 in stimulating cell growth. It appears that the CD44-hyaluronate interaction is central to tumor invasiveness; the receptor allowing the uptake and subsequent degradation of metrical hyaluronate. While many human tumors express CD44, a positive correlation between increased CD44v expression and tumor progression and/or dedifferentiation has been demonstrated in only some. Such tumors include non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (Stauder et al, 1995), hepatocellular carcinoma (Matthew et al, 1996), breast carcinoma, renal cell carcinoma (terpe et al, 1993), colonic carcinoma (Abassi et al, 1993; Wielenga et al, 1993; Herrlich et al, 1995) and some soft tissue tumors (Wand et al, 1996). More recent additions to the list include metastatic melanoma (Sviatoha, et al, 2002), prostatic carcinoma (Ekici et al, 2002), and gastric cancer (Yamaguchi et al, 2002). Conversely, CD44v expression is downgraded in other tumors including neuroblastoma (Shtivelman & Bisho, 1991), squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas of the skin (Herold-Mende et al, 1996). The suggestion that there is a positive association between CD44 isoform expression and progression in human tumors has important implications for diagnosis and prognosis. Unfortunately, the situation is not yet clear-cut. Confusion over the complicated exon boundaries together with the different nomenclature employed by researchers have added to problems of identifying the true metastasis-associated isoforms. Furthermore, stromal cells may contribute to the isoform pattern detected. Probably the most practical application of CD44 immunostaining at present is the discrimination of urothelial transitional call carcinoma-in-situ from non-neoplastic changes in the urothelium (McKenney JK, et al. 2001).
Legal Information: Cell Marque is a trademark of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
Linkage: CD44 Positive Control Slides, Product No. 144S , are available for immunohistochemistry (formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections).
Other Notes: For Technical Service please contact: 800-665-7284 or email:
Physical form: Solution in Tris Buffer, pH 7.3-7.7, with 1% BSA and <0.1% Sodium Azide
Preparation Note: Download the IFU specific to your product lot and format Note: This requires a keycode which can be found on your packaging or product label.




RIDADR NONH for all modes of transport
Storage Temp. 2-8°C
UNSPSC 12352200

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