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iTRAQ® Reagent - 8PLEX Multiplex Kit


Product Type: Chemical

Catalog Number PKG Qty. Price Quantity
45-4381663-1KT 1 kit
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Quality Level 100 
storage temp. −20°C
Analysis Note: To view the Protocol for the iTRAQ Reagents 8-plex Kit, please visit this Protocol link .

To view the Chemistry Quick Reference Card for the iTRAQ Reagents, please visit this Chemistry Quick Reference Card link .
Application: iTRAQ® Reagent - 8PLEX Multiplex Kit has been used:
• to derivatize and label the tryptic digests of the iodoacetamide probe (IPM)-labeled HeLa proteome
• in isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ) labeling of peptides
• as isobaric labels for the comparative quantification of proteins between the digested samples in proteomic analysis

Features and Benefits: • Simultaneously identify and quantify proteins from multiple samples
• Expands protein and proteome coverage by labeling all peptides, including those with post-translational modifications (PTMs)
• Increases confidence in identification and quantitation from MS/MS spectra by tagging multiple peptides per protein
• Increases throughput and confidence in results for protein biomarker discovery studies
• Offers a simple workflow without sample fractionation for reduced-complexity samples, such as affinity pull-downs
• Provides the flexibility to multiplex up to eight different biological samples simultaneously in a single experiment
• Fully supported by ProteinPilot Software on all SCIEX proteomics LC/MS/MS platforms

General description: Contains iTRAQ® Reagents 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119 and 121 and sufficient material for five 8-plex assays. Multiplex Buffer kit (Cat. No. 4381664) to be ordered separately.

Cat. No. 4381663 contains the equivalent reagents in the Sciex iChemistry® product number 4390812.
General description: The isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ®) reagents are the first set of multiplexed, amine-specific, stable-isotope reagents that can label all peptides in up to eight different biological samples enabling simultaneous identification and quantitation, relative and absolute, while retaining important post-translational modification (PTM) information. The iTRAQ Reagents - 8plex kits are available in more economical bulk packs.
Legal Information: iChemistry is a registered trademark of AB Sciex Pte. Ltd.
Legal Information: iTraq is a registered trademark of AB Sciex Pte. Ltd.
Storage Temp. −20°C
UNSPSC 12352200

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