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EX-CELL® Antifoam

SIGMA/59920C - gamma irradiated

Product Type: Chemical

Catalog Number PKG Qty. Price Quantity
45-59920C-1B 1 L
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45-59920C-5B 5 L
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This picture is provided for illustrative purposes only, the current product might differ. Relevant product information can be found on product labels oravailable information material. This photo shows an example of a Simethicone Emulsion with fluid colored blue for illustrative purposes only.


form liquid
Quality Level 500 
shipped in ambient
sterility γ-irradiated
suitability suitable for manufacturing use
technique(s) cell culture | mammalian: suitable
  NMR: suitable
  protein quantification: suitable
Application: EX-CELL® ANTIFOAM is a USP Grade non-ionic emulsion (simethicone) designed for use in the pharmaceutical and veterinary biological industries to aid in the control of foaming typically associated with the use of culture medium in bioreactors.
Through formulation optimization, utilization of a quantitative assay and an understanding of the nonspecific binding of simethicone, SAFC is able to report the actual simethicone concentration of the gamma irradiated finished material. As a result of this development, SAFC offers an optimized formulation ensuring a consistent product.
This product is of non-animal origin formulated from a 30% Simethicone Emulsion from DOW CORNING Q7-2587
Legal Information: EX-CELL is a registered trademark of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
RIDADR NONH for all modes of transport
WGK Germany WGK 1
Flash Point(F) Not applicable
Flash Point(C) Not applicable
UNSPSC 12352207

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