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Hydrophobin SC3

SIGMA/68795 - ≥98% (SDS-GE)

Product Type: Chemical

Catalog Number PKG Qty. Price Quantity
45-68795-1MG 1 mg
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assay ≥98% (SDS-GE)
form solid
Quality Level 100 
storage temp. −20°C
UniProt accession no. D8Q768 
Application: Hydrophobin SC3 has been used to coat nitric oxide (NO) releasing medical-grade polymer to establish an antifouling layer to work synergistically with NO′s bactericidal and antiplatelet activity (SC3-NO).
Biochem/physiol Actions: Hydrophobins are key regulators of fungal growth and development. The hydrophobin SC3 is known for its ability to assemble at the water and air, water and oil, and water and a hydrophobic solid interface. The self-assembling process subjects hydrophobin SC3 to many conformational changes. It permits the growth of aerial hyphae and fruiting bodies on fungi as a result of assembling at the water-air interface. Hydrophobin SC3 mediates the linking of cell wall glucans to chitin and helps in the hyphal cell wall formation. Hydrophobin SC3 might have antitumor actions and be useful in chemotherapy and radiation.
General description: Hydrophobin SC3 is a class I hydrophobin of Schizophyllum commune. It is an oligomeric amphiphilic protein, rich in β-sheet. The mature protein consists of four disulfide bridges comprising eight cysteine residues. The N-terminal contains mannose residues in combination with threonine residues.
Other Notes: Currently available only in Europe.
RIDADR NONH for all modes of transport
WGK Germany WGK 3
Flash Point(F) Not applicable
Flash Point(C) Not applicable
Purity ≥98% (SDS-GE)
Storage Temp. −20°C
UNSPSC 12352202

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