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Clone 1-5c-4 cell line (HeLa deriative)


Product Type: Chemical

Catalog Number PKG Qty. Price Quantity
45-88021103-1VL 1 vial
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biological source human cervix
form liquid
growth mode Adherent
karyotype 2n = 46
morphology Epithelial
products Not specified
Quality Level 100 
receptors Not specified
relevant disease(s) cancer
shipped in dry ice
storage temp. −196°C
technique(s) cell culture | mammalian: suitable
Application: Plaque assays, cloning, genetic and virus studies: swine influenza viruses
Cell Line Description: These cells were originally Chang conjunctival cells adapted by Wong and Kilbourne, and designated as conjunctival ′D′ cells. Susceptible to swine influenza viruses, supports production of plaque formation by a variety of influenza virus subtypes. Has HeLa markers, exhibits type A G6PD. This cell line was found to be indistinguishable from HeLa by STR PCR DNA profiling. Therefore, the cell line should be considered as derived from HeLa. Epithelial with occasional giant cells. Ethnicity: Black.
Cell Line Origin: Human cervix carcinoma
Culture Medium: Medium 199 (HBSS) + 2mM Glutamine + 10% Foetal Bovine Serum (FBS).
Disclaimer: RESEARCH USE ONLY. This product is regulated in France when intended to be used for scientific purposes, including for import and export activities (Article L 1211-1 paragraph 2 of the Public Health Code). The purchaser (i.e. enduser) is required to obtain an import authorization from the France Ministry of Research referred in the Article L1245-5-1 II. of Public Health Code. By ordering this product, you are confirming that you have obtained the proper import authorization.
Other Notes: Additional freight & handling charges may be applicable for Asia-Pacific shipments. Please check with your local Customer Service representative for more information.
Subculture Routine: Split sub-confluent cultures (70-80%) 1:3 to 1:6 i.e. seeding at 2-4x10,000 cells/cm2using EDTA or 0.25% trypsin; 5% CO2; 37°C.
RIDADR NONH for all modes of transport
WGK Germany WGK 3
Flash Point(F) Not applicable
Flash Point(C) Not applicable
Storage Temp. −196°C
UNSPSC 41106514

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