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Cotrimoxazole, Ready Made Solution

SIGMA/A2487 - 100 mg/mL in DMSO

Synonym: Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole; TMP-SMX

CAS Number: 8064-90-2
Empirical Formula (Hill Notation): C14H18N4O3 · 5 C10H11N3O3S
Molecular Weight: 1556.71
Linear Formula: C14H18N4O3 · 5 C10H11N3O3S
Product Type: Chemical

Catalog Number PKG Qty. Price Quantity
45-A2487-1ML 1 mL
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antibiotic activity spectrum fungi
  Gram-negative bacteria
  Gram-positive bacteria
color colorless to faint yellow
concentration 100 mg/mL in DMSO
form liquid
InChI 1S/C14H18N4O3.C10H11N3O3S/c1-19-10-5-8(6-11(20-2)12(10)21-3)4-9-7-17-14(16)18-13(9)15;1-7-6-10(12-16-7)13-17(14,15)9-4-2-8(11)3-5-9/h5-7H,4H2,1-3H3,(H4,15,16,17,18);2-6H,11H2,1H3,(H,12,13)
mode of action DNA synthesis | interferes
Quality Level 200 
shipped in dry ice
storage temp. −20°C
Application: Cotrimoxazole has been used as an antimicrobial agent.
Biochem/physiol Actions: Cotrimoxazole, a combination of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole, interferes with the cellular metabolism of folic acid in the bacterial cell by blocking the biosynthesis of nucleotides. Trimethoprim binds to dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) which inhibits the reduction of dihydrofolic acid (DHF) to tetrahydrofolic acid (THF), resulting in an antimicrobial effect. Sulfamethoxazole interferes with the synthesis of nucleic acids in sensitive microorganisms by blocking the conversion of p-aminobenzoic acid to the coenzyme dihydrofolic acid. The net effect of these actions is to inhibit thymidine synthesis which prevents bacterial DNA synthesis.
Other Notes: Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place.
Packaging: 1ml
Preparation Note: prepared using a 1:5 mixture of trimethoprim:sulfamethoxazole
Storage Temp. −20°C
UNSPSC 51101500

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