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L-Arginase from bovine liver

SIGMA/A3233 - Protein ≥70 % by biuret, powder

Synonym: L-Arginine amidinase; L-Arginine amidino-hydrolase

CAS Number: 9000-96-8
EC Number: 232-570-3
MDL Number: MFCD00081368
Product Type: Chemical

Catalog Number PKG Qty. Price Quantity
45-A3233-2.5KU 2500 units
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45-A3233-12.5KU 12500 units
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45-A3233-25KU 25000 units
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This picture is provided solely for illustration purposes. Optical properties of the actual product may deviate. Relevant product information is printed on labeled products and other accompanying or available information material. This image depicts SKU: A3233-12.5KU
This picture is provided solely for illustration purposes. Optical properties of the actual product may deviate. Relevant product information is printed on labeled products and other accompanying or available information material. This image depicts SKU: A3233-2.5KU
This picture is provided solely for illustration purposes. Optical properties of the actual product may deviate. Relevant product information is printed on labeled products and other accompanying or available information material. This image depicts SKU: A3233-25KU


biological source bovine liver
composition Protein, ≥70% biuret
form powder
Quality Level 200 
shipped in dry ice
specific activity ≥100 units/mg protein
storage temp. −20°C
UniProt accession no. Q58DL1 
Biochem/physiol Actions: L-arginase hydrolyze L-arginine into L-ornithine and urea, which is the last step of the urea cycle in the liver of ureotelic species. Arginase plays a major role in the mammalian immune system and the enzyme participates in several aspects of inflammation.
Biochem/physiol Actions: L-Arginase is the major degradative enzyme for arginine; converts arginine to ornithine; deficiency is associated with spasticity and motor dysfunction.
General description: L-arginase is also called as L-arginine amidinohydrolase. It exists in two forms, such as arginase-1 and arginase-2. Arginase-1 is present in liver cells and arginase-2 is seen usually in extrahepatic tissues like, kidney, brain, skeletal muscle, small intestine and the lactating mammary gland. Arginase -2 is mapped to human chromosome 14q24.1−24.3.
Packaging: 2500, 12500, 25000 units in poly bottle
Unit Definition: One unit will cause the hydrolysis of 1.0 μmole of L-arginine per minute at pH 9.5 and 37 °C.
RIDADR NONH for all modes of transport
WGK Germany WGK 3
Flash Point(F) Not applicable
Flash Point(C) Not applicable
activity specific activity: ≥100 units/mg protein
Storage Temp. −20°C
Enzyme Commission (EC) Number   ( BRENDA  | IUBMB  )
UNSPSC 12352204

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