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Agarose, low gelling temperature

SIGMA/A9414 - BioReagent, for molecular biology

Synonym: 3,6-Anhydro-α-L-galacto-β-D-galactan; LMP agarose; 2-Hydroxyethyl agarose

CAS Number: 39346-81-1
MDL Number: MFCD00081294
Product Type: Chemical

Catalog Number PKG Qty. Price Quantity
45-A9414-5G 5 g
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45-A9414-10G 10 g
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45-A9414-25G 25 g
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45-A9414-50G 50 g
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45-A9414-100G 100 g
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45-A9414-250G 250 g
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This picture is provided solely for illustration purposes. Optical properties of the actual product may deviate. Relevant product information is printed on labeled products and other accompanying or available information material.

This image depicts SKU: A9414-50G
This picture is provided solely for illustration purposes. Optical properties of the actual product may deviate. Relevant product information is printed on labeled products and other accompanying or available information material.

This image depicts SKU: A9414-25G
This picture is provided solely for illustration purposes. Optical properties of the actual product may deviate. Relevant product information is printed on labeled products and other accompanying or available information material.

This image depicts SKU: A9414-100G
This picture is provided solely for illustration purposes. Optical properties of the actual product may deviate. Relevant product information is printed on labeled products and other accompanying or available information material.

This image depicts SKU: A9414-250G
This picture is provided solely for illustration purposes. Optical properties of the actual product may deviate. Relevant product information is printed on labeled products and other accompanying or available information material.

This image depicts SKU: A9414-6X100G
This picture is provided solely for illustration purposes. Optical properties of the actual product may deviate. Relevant product information is printed on labeled products and other accompanying or available information material.

This image depicts SKU: A9414-10G
This picture is provided solely for illustration purposes. Optical properties of the actual product may deviate. Relevant product information is printed on labeled products and other accompanying or available information material.

This image depicts SKU: A9414-5G


anion traces sulfate (SO42-): ≤0.10%
biological source algae (red)
EEO ≤0.10
foreign activity DNase, RNase, NICKase, none detected
form powder
gel strength ≥200 g/cm2 (1% gel)
grade for molecular biology
mp ≤65 °C
product line BioReagent
Quality Level 200 
suitability suitable for electrophoresis
  suitable for molecular biology
transition temp congealing temperature 26-30 °C
Analysis Note: The following is a list of properties associated with our agaroses:
Sulfate content - used as an indicator of purity, since sulfate is the major ionic group present.
Gel strength - the force that must be applied to a gel to cause it to fracture.
Gel point - the temperature at which an aqueous agarose solution forms a gel as it cools. Agarose solutions exhibit hysteresis in the liquid-to-gel transition - that is, their gel point is not the same as their melting temperature.
Electroendosmosis (EEO) - a movement of liquid through the gel. Anionic groups in an agarose gel are affixed to the matrix and cannot move, but dissociable counter cations can migrate toward the cathode in the matrix, giving rise to EEO. Since electrophoretic movement of biopolymers is usually toward the anode, EEO can disrupt separations because of internal convection.
Application: Low-gelling agarose has been used in research:• for gel electrophoresis, low melting temperature is ideal for DNA extraction from gel -gel scaffold material for tissue engineering using BMSCs
• to embed tissues in 5% agarose for immunohistology
• for preparation of collagen-agarose co-gels to study collagen-matrix interactions in soft tissues
• single-celled gel electrophoresis (comet assay)
•  for in-vivo 3-D imaging of zebrafish larvae immobilized on agarose strips
Features and Benefits: • BioReagent suitable for gel electrophoresis
• Band separation range: 200 bp - 25 kB - low gelling temperature is ideal for cell culture and viral plaque assays
• low melting point (LMP) gel is compatible with several DNA recovery methods: phenol/chloroform extractions, recovery columns, electroelution, Beta-Agarase, and freeze/squeeze
•  Guaranteed quality tested for use in molecular biology, free of DNase and RNase
General description: Agarose is a component of agar that is naturally found in the cell wall of red algae. It is hydrophilic and has a high gelling property. It is most commonly employed for gel electrophoresis, to form porous gels to analyze DNA, RNA, or proteins by size. When a voltage is applied to the system the charged nucleic acids migrate through the agarose gel and are separated by size. The stability and gelling properties of agarose make it versitile and it can be used for many other applications in research such as, plaque and comet assays, and even as a scaffolding agent to name a few.
Other Notes: For additional information on our range of Biochemicals , please complete this form .
Packaging: 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 6×100, 250 g in poly bottle
RIDADR NONH for all modes of transport
WGK Germany WGK 3
Flash Point(F) Not applicable
Flash Point(C) Not applicable
mp ≤65 °C
UNSPSC 41105317

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