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IBα, GST tagged human

SIGMA/SRP5194 - recombinant, expressed in E. coli, ≥70% (SDS-PAGE), buffered aqueous glycerol solution


Product Type: Chemical

Catalog Number PKG Qty. Price Quantity
45-SRP5194-50UG 50 µg
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SDS-PAGE I?Ba, GST tagged, human: Cat. No. SRP5194: Purity was determined by densitometry. Molecular weight ~61 kDa. See CofA for lot-specific data.


assay ≥70% (SDS-PAGE)
form buffered aqueous glycerol solution
mol wt ~61 kDa
NCBI accession no. NM_020529 
recombinant expressed in E. coli
shipped in dry ice
storage temp. −70°C
General description: IκBα is an inhibitor of the NFκB complex and inactivates the NFκB by trapping it in the cytoplasm. Phosphorylation of serine residues on the IκB protein by IκB kinases (IKKs) marks it for destruction via the ubiquitination pathway, thereby allowing the activation of the NFκB complex. Synthetic glucocorticoid such as dexamethasone display anti-inflammatory effects by inducing the increased synthesis of the IκB protein thereby inhibiting the activity of the NFκB complex. Overexpression of the IκBα gene in fibroblasts leads to inhibition of production of IL-6, TNF receptor, MMP-1, MMP-3 and MMP-13.
Physical form: Supplied in 50mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 150mM NaCl, 10mM glutathione, 0.1mM EDTA, 0.25mM DTT, 0.1mM PMSF, 25% glycerol.
Preparation Note: after opening, aliquot into smaller quantities and store at -70 °C. Avoid repeating handling and multiple freeze/thaw cycles
RIDADR NONH for all modes of transport
WGK Germany WGK 1
Flash Point(F) Not applicable
Flash Point(C) Not applicable
Purity ≥70% (SDS-PAGE)
Storage Temp. −70°C
UNSPSC 12352202

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