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Vitamins Kit

SIGMA/V1 - ~98% (Components, TLC)

Product Type: Chemical

Catalog Number PKG Qty. Price Quantity
45-V1-1KT 1 kit
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assay ~98% (Components, TLC)
color faint yellow-brown to yellow-brown
  light yellow to dark yellow
form powder
Quality Level 200 
storage temp. −20°C
Application: Vitamins Kit has been used as a vitamin supplement in the minimal medium for conidia spores and vegetative cultures.
Biochem/physiol Actions: Vitamins serve as a cofactor for enzymes and regulates many biological processes. They are essential component of cell culture medium. Vitamins A, E, B9 and B12 support immune system and have anti-inflammatory functionality. Vitamin B complex aids in nervous system improvement and coordinates energy production. Vitamin B1 is a micronutrient needed for cellular metabolic processes.
General description: Vitamins Kit is a multivitamin mix comprising biotin, folic acid, vitamin B6, riboflavin, thiamine, D-pantothenic acid and niacinamide.
Other Notes: 11 Vitamins in quantities as indicated:
A9878 p-Aminobenzoic Acid, 5 g
B4501 d-Biotin, 100 mg
F7876 Folic Acid, 1g
N3376 Niacinamide, 100 g
21210 D-Pantothenic Acid, hemicalcium saltt, 5 g
P9130 Pyridoxal Hydrochloride, 500 mg
P9380 Pyridoxamine Dihydrochloride, 250 mg
P9755 Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, 5 g
R4500 Riboflavin, 5 g
T4625 Thiamine Hydrochloride, 5 g
T5625 DL-6,8-Thioctic Acid, 500 mg
Purity ~98% (Components, TLC)
Storage Temp. −20°C
UNSPSC 12352200

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