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SupelMIP® SPE - Patulin


Synonym: MIP SPE (molecular imprinted) patulin, cartridge tube

Product Type: Equipment/Book

Catalog Number PKG Qty. Price Quantity
45-52776-U 1 pkg
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application(s) food and beverages
composition bed wt, 100 mg
material polypropylene tube
packaging pk of 50 ea
product line SupelMIP®
Quality Level 100 
technique(s) solid phase extraction (SPE): suitable
volume 3 mL
Application: Developed for the class-selective extraction of the mycotoxin patulin from fruit, fruit products, and related sample matrices.
Features and Benefits: • Highly selective SPE for trace analysis in complex matrices
• Achieve lower detection limits
• Significant time and cost savings
• Improved MS-compatibility
General description: The SupelMIP SPE line consist s of highly cross-linked polymers that are engineered to extract a single analyte of interest or a class of structurally related analytes with an extremely high degree of selectivity. This is possible because selectivity is introduced during MIP synthesis in which a template molecule, designed to mimic the analyte, guides the formation of specific cavities or imprints that are sterically and chemically complementary to the analyte(s) of interest.

By careful design of the imprinting site, either by molecular modeling, experimental design, or screening methods, the binding cavities can be engineered to offer multiple interaction points with the analyte(s) of interest. This leads to a stronger interaction between the solid-phase and the analyte(s). As a consequence, harsher wash conditions can be tolerated during SPE methodology resulting in cleaner extracts. Because extraction selectivity is significantly improved, lower background is observed allowing analysts to achieve lower limits of detection.

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Legal Information: SupelMIP is a registered trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC
UNSPSC 41115712

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