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TSKgel® Super-ODS Guard Cartridge

SUPELCO/819672 - phase C18 (octadecyl), L × I.D. 1 cm × 2 mm, 2.3 μm particle size, pkg of 3 ea

Synonym: TSKgel® Reversed Phase HPLC Guard Cartridge

Product Type: Equipment/Book

Catalog Number PKG Qty. Price Quantity
45-819672 3 ea
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agency suitable for USP L1
extent of labeling 8% Carbon, endcapped
L × I.D. 1 cm × 2 mm
manufacturer/tradename Tosoh Super-ODS, 19672
material stainless steel
matrix silica particle platform
matrix active group C18 (octadecyl) phase
operating pH 2.0-7.5
packaging pkg of 3 ea
parameter no limitation salt concentration
  0-100% organic solvent
  10-50 °C temperature
particle size 2.3 μm
pore size 140 Å
product line TSKgel®
separation technique reversed phase
surface area 100 m2/g
technique(s) HPLC: suitable
General description: TSKgel Guard cartridges require a holder, which is sold separately. For 2 mm cartridges, the holder is Part No. 819308. For the 3.2 mm cartridges used to protect 4.6 mm columns, the holder is Part No. 819018.

Reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) is the preferred method for analysis and purification of polar and nonpolar compounds that are soluble in mixtures of water and organic solvents.
General description: TSKgel Super-ODS Guard Cartridge, 3pk, for 2mmID TSKgel Super-ODS columns.
Legal Information: TSKgel is a registered trademark of Tosoh Corporation
Physical form: Shipped in 70% methanol - 30% water.
Recommended products: Discover LiChropur reagents ideal for HPLC  or LC-MS  analysis
UNSPSC 41115711

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