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TSKgel® SWXL Columns

SUPELCO/820025 - phase diol, L × I.D. 30 cm × 7.8 mm, 8 μm particle size, PEEK hardware

Synonym: TSKgel® BioAssist® G4SWXL HPLC Column

Product Type: Equipment/Book

Catalog Number PKG Qty. Price Quantity
45-820025 1 ea
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agency suitable for USP L20
  suitable for USP L59
L × I.D. 30 cm × 7.8 mm
manufacturer/tradename Tosoh 20025
material PEEK hardware
matrix silica particle platform
matrix active group diol phase
operating pH 2.5-7.5
parameter ≤0.5 M salt concentration
  0-100% aqueous soluble organic solvents
  1.2 mL/min flow rate
  10-30 °C temperature
  72 bar max. pressure
particle size 8 μm
pore size 450 Å pore diameter
product line TSKgel®
separation technique size exclusion (SEC)
technique(s) HPLC: suitable
Application: Calibration range: 20,000-7x10^6Da (globular proteins)
General description: BioAssist G2SWxl, G3SWxl and G4Swxl are made of PEEK housing material to reduce sample absorption to stainless steel or glass. These columns have the same attributes as the corresponding stainless steel columns (TSKgel G2000SWxl, G3000Swxl and G4000SWxl). Widely considered the premium columns for analyzing biopolymers by GFC, TSKgel G4000SWxl columns feature high pore volume per unit column volume, low sample adsorption and excellent column efficiency, all contributing to unsurpassed sample resolution. With 8 micron particles and 450Å pores, TSKgel G4000SWxl provides the largest exclusion limit and the widest fractionation range. It is an excellent choice for pegylated proteins or glycosylated biomolecules. The fractionation range is applicable for globular protein samples up to 7 million Da.
Legal Information: BioAssist is a registered trademark of Tosoh Corporation
Legal Information: TSKgel is a registered trademark of Tosoh Corporation
Physical form: Shipped in 0.05% NaN3 and 0.1 M Na2SO4 in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 6.7.
UNSPSC 41115711

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