Benchmark Scientific
Benchmark Scientific LC-8 Clinical Centrifuges
Hermle Z 306 Universal Centrifuge
Hermle Z 36 HK High Capacity Centrifuge
Hermle Z 366/K Universal Centrifuges
Hermle Z 446/K Large Volume Centrifuges
Sprint™ 6H and 6H Plus Clinical Centrifuges
Sprint™ 8 and 8 Plus Clinical Centrifuges
Incu-Shaker™ Mini CO2 Shaking Incubator
MyTemp™ Mini CO2 Digital Incubators
SureTherm™ CO₂ Incubators with IncuView™ LCI
Digital Dry Baths
IsoBlock™ Digital Dry Bath with Isolated Chambers
myBlock™ Digital Dry Baths
myBlock™ HL Mini Dry Bath with Heated Lid
myBlock™ Mini Digital Dry Baths
BeadBlaster™ 24R Refrigerated Homogenizer
BeadBlaster™ 24-Microtube Homogenizers
BeadBug™ 6 Microtube Homogenizers
BeadBug™ Microtube Homogenizers
BenchMasher™ 400 Homogenizer
D1000 Handheld Homogenizers
Pulse 150™ Ultrasonic Homogenizer
Pulse 650™ Ultrasonic Homogenizer
Analog Hotplate Stirrers
Benchmark™ Industrial Multi-Position Hotplate Stirrers
Digital Hotplates, Stirrers & Hotplate Stirrers
Benchmark Scientific MC-24™ Touch High Speed Microcentrifuge
Benchmark Scientific MC-24R™ Refrigerated Microcentrifuge
Hermle Z 167 M High-Speed Microcentrifuge
Hermle Z 207 M High-Speed Microcentrifuge
Hermle Z 216 M/MK High-Speed Microcentrifuges
MC-12™ High Speed Microcentrifuge
MyFuge™ 5 Microcentrifuges
PlateFuge™ Microplate Microcentrifuge
Mini-Centrifuge with 2 Rotors
MyFuge™ 12 Minicentrifuges
MyFuge™ Minicentrifuges
StripSpin™ 12 Mini Centrifuge
BioMixer™ and Mini BioMixer™ 3-D Shakers
Orbi-Shaker™ MP Microplate Shaker
Orbi-Shaker™ XL Shakers with MagiClamp™
Accuris Fast Extraction PCR Kits
IsoPure™ 24 Automated Purification System
IsoPure™ 96 Automated Purification System
IsoPure™ Mini Automated Purification System
SmartGlow™ Nucleic Acid Stain
Orbi-Blotter™ Low Speed Orbital Shaker
Orbi-Shaker™ Jr. Mini Orbital Shaker
Orbi-Shaker™ Orbital Shaker with MAGic Clamp™
Orbi-Shaker™ XL Orbital Shaker with MAGic Clamp™
SmartReader™ Multimode Microplate Reader
SmartReader™ UV-Vis Microplate Reader
SmartReader™ 96 Microplate Absorbance Reader
SmartSeal™ Automated Plate Sealer
BenchBlotter™ 2D Benchtop Rockers
BenchRocker™ Variable Speed Rockers
BenchWaver™ 3D Benchtop Rockers
BlotBoy™ and Mini BlotBoy™ Platform Rockers
Everlast™ 247 Variable Speed Rockers
TubeRocker™ Mini Compact Rocker
Incu-Mixer™ Microplate Incubating Mixer
Multi-Therm™ Thermal Mixer
Multi-Therm™ Touch Thermal Mixer
Roto-Therm™ Incubated Tube Rotators
Rotating Mixer
Roto-Bot™ Programmable Rotators
RotoMini™ and RotoMini™ Plus Tube Rotator Bundle
RotoMini™ Plus Tube Rotators