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Displaying 451-500 of 12126 results.
Sigma Cat.No.Description
06433Amberlite IRA-410 chloride form
chloride form, matrix styrene/divinylbenzene (gel), 20-25 mesh
06435Amberlite CG50 (Type I) hydrogen form
hydrogen form
06441Amberlite IRA-96 free base
free base
06444Amberlite XAD4
06457Amberlite IRA910 chloride form
chloride form, strongly basic
06466Amberlite IRA402 chloride form
chloride form
06473Formic acid solution
BioUltra, 1.0 M in H2O
06474Amberlite XAD1180N
20-60 mesh
06476Ambersep® 900 hydroxide form
OH--form, strongly basic
analytical standard
06547Methyl formate
analytical standard
06556Phenyl formate
≥98.0% (GC)
06561Formic acid triethylamine complex 5:2
≥99.0% (NT)
065955-Aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-β-D-ribofuranosyl 5′-monophosphate
analytical standard
analytical standard
066702-Bromoethylamine hydrobromide
purum, ≥97.0% (AT)
06676Methoxypolyethylene glycol amine
2,000, extent of labeling: ≥0.4 mmol/g NH2 loading
06679Methoxypolyethylene glycol amine
5,000, extent of labeling: ≥0.17 mmol/g NH2 loading
066893-Methylglutaconic acid, mixture of E and Z isomers
≥98.0% (HPLC)
06691Adipoyl-L-carnitine-(N-methyl-d3) lithium salt
analytical standard
06693Timestrip Plus -20 °C
067043-(3-Hydroxyphenyl)-3-hydroxypropionic acid
analytical standard
analytical standard
06722E.coli Fluorogenic ID Membrane
white colored, sterile, diameter 70 mm, suitable for microbiology
analytical standard
certified reference material, TraceCERT®, Manufactured by: Sigma-Aldrich Production GmbH, Switzerland
06737Green S
analytical standard
06740Chloride Standard for IC
TraceCERT®, 10,000 mg/L chloride in water (nominal concentration)
mixture of isomers, technical, ≥80% (GC)
06756(1R,2S)-cis-2-Aminocyclopentanol hydrochloride
≥98.0% (TLC)
06797Timestrip® 6 months
for spectrophotometric det. of H2O2 and phenols, ≥98.0%
analytical standard
06811Conductivity Standard
conductivity 200 μS/cm at 25 °C
06813α-Boswellic acid
analytical standard
certified reference material, TraceCERT®, Manufactured by: Sigma-Aldrich Production GmbH, Switzerland
analytical standard
analytical standard
≥98.0% (HPLC)
06949Conductivity Standard
conductivity 1000 μS/cm at 25 °C
06957(−)-Chicoric acid
analytical standard
06958Butyl acrylate
analytical standard
06975tert-Butyl 4-aminobenzoate
≥98.0% (NT)
06985Methyl 3-aminobenzoate
≥97.0% (GC)
06994Malate Standard for IC
TraceCERT®, 1000 mg/L malate in water (nominal concentration)
06999Conductivity Standard
conductivity 500 μS/cm at 25 °C, ≤2.5% KCl (T)
07038Dimethyl terephthalate
Standard for quantitative NMR, TraceCERT®, Manufactured by: Sigma-Aldrich Production GmbH, Switzerland
07041Methyl laurate
certified reference material, TraceCERT®, Manufactured by: Sigma-Aldrich Production GmbH, Switzerland

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