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Displaying 4601-4650 of 110154 results.
Sigma Cat.No.Description
AV34976Anti-GABRA1 antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV34981Anti-GABRA3 (AB1) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV35033Anti-ACCN1 antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV35094Anti-KCNN2 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV35095Anti-KCNN1 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV35097Anti-KCNN3 (AB1) antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV35098Anti-KCNN4 antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV35105Anti-P2RX1 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV35123Anti-VDAC2 antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV35126Anti-KCNAB1 antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV35127Anti-CUL5 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV35151Anti-KCNAB3 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV35165Anti-KCND3 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV35178Anti-KCNA10 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV35236Anti-CACNG4 antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV35242Anti-TRPM5 (AB1) antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV35259Anti-P2RX2 (AB1) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV35262Anti-CLIC5 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV35263Anti-CLIC5 antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV35300Anti-NMUR2 antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV35307Anti-MCOLN1 antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV35340Anti-GRIK2 (AB1) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV35341Anti-GRIK2 antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV35342Anti-GABRE antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV35409Anti-CHRFAM7A antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV35418Anti-CHRNA7 (AB1) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV35452Anti-CATSPER2 (AB1) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV35456Anti-KCNQ2 (AB1) antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV35458Anti-KCNQ2 (AB2) antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV35459Anti-KCNQ2 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV35461Anti-KCNAB2 (AB2) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV35478Anti-KCNH5 (AB1) antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV35480Anti-KCNH6 (AB1) antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV35503Anti-KCNRG (AB1) antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV35515Anti-GRIK2 (AB2) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV35518Anti-P2RX7 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV35538Anti-NUDT9 (AB1) antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV35579Anti-CACNB1 (AB2) antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV35609Anti-TRPM3 (AB3) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV35645Anti-CEBPG antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV35650Anti-SLC18A1 antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV35652Anti-SMARCD3 antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV35724Anti-TRIP13 (AB1) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV35734Anti-PIAS2 (AB1) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV35735Anti-PIAS2 (AB2) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV35750Anti-ONECUT2 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV35751Anti-TBPL1 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV35764Anti-DLX6 antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV35765Anti-HMGB3 (AB1) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV35766Anti-HMGB3 (AB2) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum

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