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Displaying 4701-4750 of 110154 results.
Sigma Cat.No.Description
AV36913Anti-ASCL2 (AB2) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV36916Anti-MEF2B antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV36929Anti-PIAS2 (AB1) antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV36965Anti-PTRF antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV36976Anti-SIN3B antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV36993Anti-TFAM (AB3) antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV37064Anti-HOXA11 antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV37106Anti-NFATC2 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37139Anti-SOX7 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37145Anti-SREBF1 (AB1) antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV37186Anti-MEF2A antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37192Anti-SP1 (AB1) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37237Anti-TEF antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37255Anti-CITED4 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37269Anti-RBM14 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37338Anti-FOXI1 (AB2) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37341Anti-YAF2 antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV37354Anti-LASS4 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37364Anti-Mri1 (AB2) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37377Anti-ISL2 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37382Anti-DMRTC2 antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV37392Anti-TTC19 (AB1) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37422Anti-ACTN2 (AB1) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37494Anti-OBOX6 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37504Anti-MKL1 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37531Anti-CSNK1G1 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37583Anti-E2F7 antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV37608Anti-Duxbl1 antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV37627Anti-FOXK1 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37629Anti-ZHX2 (AB2) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37669Anti-CHRNB2 (AB1) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37678Anti-KCNAB2 (AB1) antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV37694Anti-CACNG4 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37696Anti-ACCN5 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37713Anti-G3BP antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37717Anti-DDX46 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37719Anti-SSX2 antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV37734Anti-AIP (AB2) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37763Anti-ZFP589 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37882Anti-HOXA3 (AB2) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37892Anti-SPIC antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37905Anti-MyBBP1A antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV37911Anti-TSG101 (AB3) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV37923Anti-TAF7L (AB2) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV38012Anti-BACH1 antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV38028Anti-ELF4 (AB1) antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV38038Anti-FOXJ1 antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV38041Anti-FOXO3A antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody
AV38067Anti-ATF4 (AB2) antibody produced in rabbit
IgG fraction of antiserum
AV38073Anti-RUNX1 antibody produced in rabbit
affinity isolated antibody

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