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Displaying 2251-2300 of 110154 results.
Sigma Cat.No.Description
90878Poly(ethylene glycol)
BioUltra, 300
≥95.0% (HPCE)
90938Micro particles based on polystyrene, dark blue
size: 100 μm
909981,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-rac-(1-glycerol) sodium salt
≥98.0% (TLC)
90A1Leukocyte α-Naphthyl Acetate (Non-Specific Esterase) Kit
Select reagents packaged in gelatin capsules.
90C2Leukocyte Naphthol AS-D Chloroacetate (Specific Esterase) Kit
910-500RenaEpi Basal Medium (500ml)
91000Atto 647N azide
BioReagent, suitable for fluorescence
91077CInsulin, Human Recombinant
dry powder, for research or for further manufacturing use
911Naphthol AS-D Chloroacetate Solution
911-500RenaEpi Growth Medium (500ml)
911-GSRenaEpi Growth Supplements (5ml-2 parts)
912Fast Red Violet LB Base Solution
≥97.0% (HPLC)
≥95% (HPLC)
91228Trichloroacetic acid
BioUltra, ≥99.5% (T)
≥99.0% (HPLC)
913Trizmal buffer
pH 6.3(concentrate), 1 M
913522,6-Difluorophenyl pentafluorophenyl adipate
≥97.0% (HPLC)
91356trans,trans-Farnesyl monophosphate ammonium salt
≥95.0% (TLC)
914Sodium nitrite solution
91414Tris buffered saline with Tween® 20
BioUltra, tablet (for 500 mL), pH 7.6
91462Kollisolv® PEG E 300
915Citrate Solution
pH 3.6±0.1 (25 °C), 27 mM
≥96.0% (TLC)
916α-Naphthyl Acetate Solution
91638Magnesium formate 0.1M – Glycerol 50% (v/v) solution
917Fast Blue BB Base Solution
91783Azo-Galactomannan from carob
galactomannanase substrate
91893Poly(ethylene glycol)
BioUltra, 400
919Sodium Fluoride Solution
91957Monosodium methylphosphonate
99.0-101.0% (T)
91963Cytotoxicity detection kit
100 tests
91ALeukocyte α-Naphthyl Acetate (Non-Specific Esterase) Kit
Kit formulated with all liquid reagents.
91CLeukocyte Naphthol AS-D Chloroacetate (Specific Esterase) Kit
92001Ampliflu Red "easy to use" Kit
92101204B16-F0 Cell Line from mouse
≥99.0% (HPLC)
92243Cholesteryl N-(2-dimethylaminoethyl)carbamate
≥98% (TLC)
92283Polymyxin B solution
20 mg/mL in H2O
92396Fluorescein di-(β-D-glucopyranoside)
92416D-Mannitol 1-phosphate lithium salt
≥95% (TLC)
92544Abberior® FLIP 565, maleimide
for single-molecule switching microscopy (e.g. PALM, STORM, GSDIM)
nonionic water-soluble polymer
92591DL-2,6-Diaminopimelic acid
≥95% (TLC)
925BPeroxide Block
3% Hydrogen Peroxide
92637Atto 565-Biotin
≥97.0% (HPLC)

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